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Ian Livingstone's Adventures of Goldhawk a.k.a. First Fighting Fantasy Adventures are a spin off of mainstream Fighting Fantasy production, set in the Kingdom of Karazan and targeted at younger readers.

The books have a bigger format than classic Fighting Fantasy gamebooks, but they have significantly less pages and all internal images, present in almost all pages, are coloured as well. Combat rules are simpler: only SKILL score is used and a single dice roll is sufficient to determine the outcomes of the fight (if Prince Goldhawk loses the fight, usually loses one point of SKILL for the rest of the adventure, with a so-called fail forward mechanism,, but sometimes, especially near the end of the adventure, dies an instant death).[1] The adventure is not delivered in "paragraphs" like most other Fighting Fantasy gamebooks, but in 21 "scenes", each of them with an illustration (that sometimes includes the solution to enigmas) and with up to five related sub-sections (which are the most similar thing to traditional gamebooks' paragraphs). There are several graphic enigmas that need to be handled as well.[2]

There are four issues in all:
Darkmoon's Curse
The Demon Spider
Mudworm Swamp
Ghost Road

See Also[]

There are some indications that the Kingdom of Karazan was in the past on the central region of the Old World, where later on there was Mauristatia.[3]


  1. Template:AoG1 - pages 3-6
  2. Template:AoG1 - pages 7-61
  3. "A History of Mauristatia" by Otto Öviszódi in The Warlock Returns Issue 2, (pg. 26).