Age of Darkness was a period of indefinite length that began after the Godswar and was the first age of Old Time.
The name is a non-canon term used to describe this portion of Titan's timeline. The basis for its use is purely extrapolation from the book Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World description of what happened in that period.[1]
Although indefinite it was thought to be roughly four hundred years long. After the Godswar the races returned to their homelands. The Elves retreated to the forests and the Dwarves hid away in their underground domains. Of the four original sentient races it was the Giants and Men who were most affected by the end of Godtime. The Giants numbers were so severely depleted that they became mostly solitary beings. The cities of Man, which had for the most part stood on the plains, were the easiest targets for the Dark Forces and they were destroyed. Thus Men regressed and were forced to compete for survival with Orcs, Trolls and Goblins. Men did not have the safety of the forests or the underground domains to fall back on. This is why, in the period following the Godtime, Men were perceived as being primitive compared to the Elves and the Dwarves. But remember, during the Godtime Men, Dwarves, Elves and even Giants lived, worked and laughed together and treated each other as equals. This Age was as night compared to the daylight of the Golden Age.[2]
Canon vs. Non-canon[]
The name is non-canonical but the events are based on information within the book Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World.
Time of Clay | Time of Naming | Godtime - 1 OT |
Old Time 1 OT - 1998 OT |
After Chaos 1 AC - Present | |||||||||||||||||
Creation | Time of Naming | Pre-Golden Age | Golden Age | Gods war - 1 OT |
Age of Darkness 1 OT - 500 OT Non-canon |
Time of Heroes 500 OT - 1000 OT |
Splitting | Age of Wrath 1000 OT - 1450 OT Non-canon |
Age of Empire 1450 OT - 1690 OT Non-canon |
Age of Wizards 1690 OT - 1998 OT |
Chaos Wars 1998 OT |
New Age 1 AC - Present |
See Also[]
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- ↑ The book, Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World, established a timeline that itself was made up of what can be described as epochs, such as Old Time and After Chaos. The book subdivided these epochs into ages, but the ages that were defined left temporal gaps in the epochs that had no definition. In order to establish a continuum of ages, three ages have been titled by the Titannica. The time periods in question happened, and the events within them are based on canon. It is simply the name of the period that has no absolute source in established canon.
- ↑ Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - p.??/??