magic Yes
Race/Species Human
Gender Male

The name of Akkarra is very famous for the Seven Words of Akkarra, that are a rare and dangeorus form of magic that can defeat Death-Stones and Land-Blights.[1]


According to some sources, he was a powerful wizard, researcher of reality warping magic, that came to Mauristatia from a distant land at the time of King Mauristat, when there was a Land-Blight, proclaiming he could do something about it. He was mocked and rejected, as at the time magic was a disregarded art. However, after King Mauristat was dragged into hell, the Council of Princes called him back and offered to pay any price if he could save their principalities. Akkarra shook his head as he came to fight evil and not to earn money, then he reached the Land-Blight and pronounced the Seven Words of Akkarra, that warped reality and pushed the Land-Blight out of reality. A knight overheard the words and the Templar Knights can still deal with Land-Blights thanks to him.[2]

Akkarra also discovered The Abyss (disambiguation) and was the Master of the Abyss until his disciple Bythos backstabbed him and took his place.[3]

See Also[]


  1. Dead of Night - 69, 287
  2. "A History of Mauristatia" by Otto Öviszódi in The Warlock Returns Issue 3, (pg. 22-27).
  3. "Into the Doors of Eryx" by Lung Leh Simuang in The Warlock Returns Issue 11, (pg. 41).