Known relations Marrangha (father), Alaralatanalara (sister)
Race/Species Human
Gender Female

Alaralamalatana and Alaralatanalara, according to some source, were the two daughters of the evil magician Marrangha. One was good and the other evil, but nobody remembers which was which. One of them killed her father and burnt his books, so that his father's disciples never managed to control again her father's eponymous, evil magic art. Who killed her father: the good daughter or the evil daughter?[1]

Spoiler Warning!!!: Plot and/or ending details of a Fighting Fantasy publication follow. Please DO NOT read this article if you do not want foreknowledge of this publication. Although the article below is based on canon, some of its content is considered extrapolation because it assumes a certain course of events through an adventure that has many possible routes.

"Spoiler!" Beware!

Connection with Kakhabad[]

"Alaralamalatana" is offered as an (incorrect) password for the Second Throben Door in the Mampang Fortress in northern Kakhabad.[2] This implies a connection between Marrangha, his family, and the mysterious Throben community connected with the Mampang Fortress.






  1. "A History of Mauristatia" by Otto Öviszódi in The Warlock Returns Issue 2, (pg. 25-26).
  2. The Crown of Kings - 483