skill 0
stamina 0
Habitat Demonic Plane, Dreams
Number Encountered 1
Type Demon
Reaction Hostile
Intelligence High

An Angaroc was a servant creature of the Snake Demon Sith.[1][2]


They were like huge Snakes, but at intervals along their bodies four legs sprouted from either side. Their limbs were thick and hairy like that of a spider, and enabled the beast to leap surprising distances. An angarocs bite was venomous.[2]

The very presence of an angaroc would drain the life-force of any mortal creature. Any Human or other mortal who was within a 10 foot range of an Angaroc, and whom the Angaroc regarded as an enemy, would be at risk of being drained. This would continue until the angaroc's enemy moved out of range, or the angaroc killed its enemy. [3]

Origins and Distribution[]

Angarocs existed in the Demonic Plane and various dream worlds, but were occasionally called to Titan by their Demonic masters, or summoned by demonologists. [4] Angarocs were often retained by other Demon princes as pets.[2]

Further Information in Canon[]

More information can be found at:Source[5]
The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook (pg146)
Phantoms of Fear (para52, para85*, para94, para242)






  1. Phantoms of Fear - 85 (illustrated)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Beyond the Pit - p.9 (stats and illustrated), p.10
  3. Template:DoD
  4. Demons of Doom, p. 41
  5. Complete list of references catalogued by FF Titan Bestiary