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The Arion Academy (also known as the Adventurers' Academy) was an academy for aspiring young adventurers.[1][2]


Trainee adventurers were often sent on dangerous missions as part of their final training. Former adventurers worked in the Academy as tutors, and would attempt to rescue trainee adventurers if the latter got into serious trouble.[2]

Kevin Truehand once made weapons for the Academy's pupils.[2]


It was set up by Prince Regent Daern and Queen Telessa in 198AC.[2]

Daern was far-sighted, and perceived that in the decades to come a new Time of Heroes approached. He believed that Arion would be targeted by the evils on the horizon and was determined that Arion should be ready to meet these challenges. The academy was instituted to teach those that showed promise. This education would include many disciplines, not just combat prowess. History, languages (both modern and ancient (such as Kabeshian), wilderness lore, wood-craft and many other skills necessary to survive in Khul's harsh environment were taught. King Jonthane and Queen Elegana both attended the academy, as did at least one hero.[2]


  1. Deathmoor - ???
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Travels in Arion, pg. 7, 18-19