skill 3-5
stamina 2-12
Type Bat, Animal

A wide range of Bat species and types has been recorded on Titan, although the exact species is not always identified:

Further Information in Canon[]

More information can be found at:Source[1]
The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook (pg12, pg39, pg123, pg124, pg162, pg191)
Out of the Pit (Large) (pg19, pg30, pg34-35, pg64, pg70, pg74, pg79, pg80*, pg88, pg91, pg107, pg116)
Allansia (pg34, pg261)
Blacksand! (pg103#, pg110)
Dungeoneer (pg127*, pg389)
Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-playing Game (pg205*, pg206-207, pg215*)
Scorpion Swamp (para40*)
Seas of Blood (para226)
Masks of Mayhem (para325#)
Creature of Havoc (para277, para446)
Beneath Nightmare Castle (para14*)
Phantoms of Fear (para113, para233, para320, para392)
Midnight Rogue (paraCover*, para240, para280#*, para363)
Chasms of Malice (para292, para356)
Battleblade Warrior (para61, para268*)
Portal of Evil (para123)
Vault of the Vampire (para33, para50, para86, para133, para161, para186, para191, para204, para206, para308, para325, para344, para367, para375)
Fangs of Fury (para226, para362)
Dead of Night (para198)
The Keep of the Lich-Lord (para133, para250, para339)
Tower of Destruction (para210)
Siege of Sardath (para1, para26, para347)
Return to Firetop Mountain (para109, para131, para390)
Spellbreaker (para132#, para150*, para228*, para239, para350#, para388, para397)
Knights of Doom (para27, para31, para165, para195, para234, para392)
Revenge of the Vampire (pg28*, para39, para47, para49, para67, para98, para218, para363)
Eye of the Dragon (para71, para83, para163)
Bloodbones (para21, para43, para58, para90)
Howl of the Werewolf (para68, para102, para192, para250, para273#, para284, para360, para435, para494)
Stormslayer (para3, para169, para201)
Demonstealer (pg127-129, pg138, pg148, pg227)
Shadowmaster (pg127, pg139, pg196)
Kharé - Cityport of Traps (para33*, para77*)
The Crown of Kings (para73*)
Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World'(Large) (pg30*-pg31*, pg52, pg72, pg82, pg114)
Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World'(Small) (pg54*, pg55, pg56*, pg107, pg155, pg184, pg265)
Warlock Issue 1 (pg32 (109))
Warlock Issue 5 (paraCover*, pg27*)
Warlock Issue 7 (pg14)
The Warrior's Way (para226, para355)


# - denotes a reference with statistics
* - denotes a picture




  1. Complete list of references catalogued by FF Titan Bestiary