
BattleCard Allegiance was a stat category on BattleCards in the UK version only.


The UK Fighter Cards had an Allegiance stat (except Artists). This served no defined purpose and it can be surmised that it was intended to help in more advanced Campaign Battles, and in particular in Adventures, whereby players could recreate the stories found within the BattleCards. It was dropped from the US set, with the Allegiance being able to be picked up from the text. The Allegiance would always be to a Leader (an allegiance type in its own right) or to None or For Hire.

Cards By Allegiance[]

Please note that these are the UK card numbers. For the UK to US conversion please see BattleCards - UK Edition to US Edition Conversion.

Aragon Trueblade (BattleCard)[]

Baalthazac (BattleCard)[]

D'Accord (BattleCard)[]

Dragon Prince (BattleCard)[]

Dumm (BattleCard)[]

Firenzi (BattleCard)[]

For Hire[]

Gleeta Spee (BattleCard)[]

Helmut the Bold (BattleCard)[]

Karanga (BattleCard)[]


(i.e. the card represents a Leader and therefore has no other allegiance)

Lord of Darkness (BattleCard)[]

Lord of the Masque (BattleCard)[]

Lord Vengeance (BattleCard)[]


In the UK only, Artists were also assigned an allegiance of None:

Obojo (BattleCard)[]

Prince Gallant (BattleCard)[]

Prince Lionheart (BattleCard)[]

The Iron Maiden (BattleCard)[]

Vanvincent (BattleCard)[]

Verrancus (BattleCard)[]

Zheena Nightshade (BattleCard)[]

Further Notes[]

The card The Dark Warrior (BattleCard), had as an allegiance, Obojo (BattleCard), but only "(currently)". Similarly, Krudd & Gorr (BattleCard), had a "?" after their allegiance to Dumm (BattleCard).

See Also[]

