Symbols A Coiling Tentacle or a Crab's Claw
Affiliations Brain Slayers, Decapi, Giant Orthocones
Priest Colours Deep Blue

The Behemoth was a monster of the sea created by the Evil gods from the Original Clay to defile the realm of Hydana.


The Behemoth was described as one of the "creatures of Chaos". [1] A creature, known simply as "The Sea Monster" was often confused with the Behemoth as being one in the same. However, they were distinct beasts. According to one source, it had seven tentacles.[2]

The Behemoth was one of the most powerful beasts of Evil during the First Battle and he is remembered in the constellation bearing his name in the Northern Skies of Titan. Although The Tale of the First Battle does describe the battle between Ichthys and the Behemoth, it is vague as to the fate of the Behemoth. Certainly it was severely injured in the struggle, but it swam away into the depths of the ocean before the chance to make certain of killing or banishing it was taken. To this day sailors tell stories of the Beast and of obscure sightings. If it did survive its injuries it may still be out there, somewhere.[3]


The Behemoth has been described as a "Chaos demigod", the patron of evil ocean-dwellers like the Kraken and the Giant Crab.[4] The Behemoth is depicted by his worshippers as a monstrous polyp-like creature spouting numerous squid's tentacles and crab's claws. The Behemoth is worshipped by the nefarious Brain Slayers, as well as evil sea creatures like the Decapus and the Giant Orthocone.[4][5]

There are some prophecies in Allansia that the Behemoth will one day re-appear, and attack the land: according to the prophecies, this event will happen at the end of the world.[2]






