Domain Second life
Symbols Black Circle
Affiliations Chaos Mutants
Priest Colours Purple

Belthegor was an obscure, malefic deity worshipped mainly by chaos mutants.[1][2][3] He was described by Professor Van Heldenghast as "an ancient deity associated with the power of second life."[1]


Belthegor appears as a attractive, glabrescent human male, who is in some strange way also repulsive and frightening.[3][4]



The Mask of Belthegor and some runes.

Belthegor's worship involves "savage rites" and sacrifices.[2] Belthegor's followers claimed that Belthegor's Gift was the "Second Life", and that Belthegor's Curse was the "Second Death".[5] Belthegor would taint his followers with disturbing bodily alternations, called "the Gifts of Belthegor". A Priest of Belthegor has the power to induce a Chaos Mutation in another person by touching that person.[2] The Priests of Belthegor wear purple vestments, and use a black circle (the Rune of Chaos) as their symbol.[2]

There was a centre of worship used in the "distant past" for the followers of Belthegor, named the The Wayside Shrine of Belthegor.The Shrine was located south of the Gallantarian city of Blackhaven.[1] In the aftermath of the War of the Four Kingdoms, the Shrine had long been abandoned. However, the powerful relic called the Mask of Belthegor was fixed into the front of the shrine. Belthegor cursed anyone who tried to take the Mask without first solving a runic riddle set in the shrine.[3]

Belthegor was still secretly venerated in the Old World. He still had a few adherents in Blackhaven, and murderous cults in the vaults of depraved metropolises like the City of Mazes and the Port of Crabs worship him.[3]

Further Notes[]

  • Belthegor may be based on "Belphegor", a demon in Medieval European legends.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Moonrunner - para 210, 334
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 "Chaos Mutant", in Beyond the Pit , pgs. 30-31
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Rough Guide to the Pit pp. 42
  4. Moonrunner - para 31, 273
  5. Moonrunner - para 31