Ben Borryman
skill 4
stamina 8
Preferred Weapon Club, Gas Egg
Homeland Port Blacksand, Allansia
Known relations A wife, two sons & one daughter
Race/Species Human
Gender Male

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Ben Borryman was a silversmith who ran the shop, Ben Borryman, Silversmith, on Stable Street in Port Blacksand.


For the manufacture of a silver arrow, Borryman charged an adventurer 10 Gold Pieces or two magic items, but was willing to accept food as payment.[1]

If threatened, he would respond by threatening to swallow the key to the silver cupboard and threatening to throw a egg containing deadly gas.[2] If matters escalated, he would carry out his threat.[3] If this gas killed or knocked out the attacker, Borryman would dump them outside and take all their silver items. Otherwise, he would fight back with a wooden club as a strong, but not good, fighter.[4]


Originally his premises were on Clog Street until 283AC when he moved to his present location. Ironically Ben, the best silversmith in Blacksand, had chosen to locate himself away from the recognised jewellery area of Port Blacksand (around Silversmith's Yard). As well as standard jewellery and tableware he would undertake more specialised commissions, for instance a silver sword or arrow for those brave or unfortunate enough to need them.

Borryman lived with his wife, two grown-up sons and teenage daughter above the shop, which was guarded by a huge hunting dog at night.[5]





