
Spoiler Warning!!!: Plot and/or ending details of a Fighting Fantasy publication follow. Please DO NOT read this article if you do not want foreknowledge of this publication. Although the article below is based on canon, some of its content is considered extrapolation because it assumes a certain course of events through an adventure that has many possible routes.

"Spoiler!" Beware!
skill 10
stamina 8
Preferred Weapon Battle Axe
Homeland Femphrey
Race/Species Dwarf
Gender Male
Equipment Axe, chainmail, rope & grapple, helmet with candle

Brokk the brewer was a Dwarf that had used to work as a miner in the Fathomdeep Mine, located in the Witchtooth Line.


He still lived nearby the settlement of Clast. He was still willing to guide travellers through the mines, but at the price of 10 gold pieces. [1]

Brokk owned a coat of chainmail, a battle axe, a rope & grapple, and a helmet adorned with a candle. [2] Although he claimed to only be willing to guide travellers through the mines to a certain point, he was ready to risk his own life to help them against dangers beyond said point. [3]


As a brewer, Brokk produced a variety of alcoholic beverages. [4]

  • Dwarf Ale: A clear, honey coloured ale that proves very refreshing.
  • Trollbreath Beer: A muddy brown, tasty beer that can cause halitosis.
  • Skullbuster Spirit: A notorous dwarf drink that caused headaches but grants enhanced strength.
  • Cadwallader's 'Old Battleaxe' Cider: A scrumpy that increases bravery.
  • Wyvern's Wing: An ale containing meltwater from the Witchtooth Peaks and Brokk's own hops, that acted as a luck potion.
  • Brokk's Blistering Brew: A drink that tastes like liquid fire and causes someone to become light-headed just by sniffing it, but also increases fighting ability.


If he was hired by the Hero of Tannatown, his fate was uncertain. Whilst it is possible he left the mine before the Hero caused its collapse, he was likely killed if the Hero had previously used the Mole to drill through the mines. Brokk had used the giant drill to attack an Earth Elemental, but was knocked unconscious. [5]





  1. Stormslayer - 250, 57
  2. Stormslayer - 77
  3. Stormslayer - 30, 244
  4. Stormslayer - 98
  5. Stormslayer - 8, 30, 244