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"References Needed!" Hamaskis demands it
Preferred Weapon Sword (presumably)
Gender Male (presumably)

In a clearing in the Forest of Lein in Ruddlestone stands a life-like sculpture of a warrior. At the base of the sculpture is a bilingual inscription, in the Common Tongue and in "some strange runic script",[1] which reads as follows:

Here stands a monument to Candraz the Bold who died in this the fourth year of the reign of Queen Vaxillia the Just. May the Dragon keep safe his own.[2]

Who Candraz was, when he lived, and why he was remembered in such a way, is unknown. Nor is it known what is meant by "May the Dragon keep safe his own". The statue of Candraz carries a sword and a battle-scarred shield with a golden dragon painted upon it.[3]


  1. Knights of Doom - 112
  2. ???
  3. Knights of Doom - 55, 112