
The Celenasian War began on Fireday 25th of Watching, 1773OT.[1]

The Celenasian War caused the downfall of the Celenasian Empire. The war caused the collapse of a magical warpgate intended to allow the Celenasian Empire to explore other worlds.[2][3] Before its collapse, the warpgate discharged a large number of Dinosaurs onto the empire's former territory; this is why the Plain of Bones now has such a large population of the creatures. This event was " the concluding event of the Celenasian War", and happened about "half a millennium" before 284AC.[2]

See Also[]


  1. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 154
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Dinosaur", in Return to the Pit, pg. 55.
  3. City of Thieves - (2010 Edition) p.198