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City-States of Titan is a list of city-states found across Titan.


Name Type State Continent Ruler
Agra City Agra Allansia The Autarch
Alkemis City Alkemis Allansia
Atlantis City Ruins n/a Western Ocean n/a
Bakulan City Shabak Allansia
Bei-Han City Bei-Han Allansia
Capra Town None Allansia
Carnex Town None Allansia
Carsepolis Ruins n/a Allansia n/a
Chalice City Chalice Allansia King Pindar
Coppertown 0 None Allansia
Cornerstone Village Chiang Mai Allansia
Coven Village None Allansia
Dree Village None Allansia
Fang Town (capital) Chiang Mai Allansia Baron Sukumvit
Fangthane City (capital) Dwarven Nation Allansia King Namurkill
Gebaan Village Kallamehr Allansia
Grimmund Village None Allansia
Halak City Halak Allansia
Hasrah Town Kallamehr Allansia
Ismater Village None Allansia
Kaad Town None Allansia Mayor Habul Morgent
Kallamehr City Kallamehr Allansia Baron Bluestone and Lady Carolina
Kamadan Town Kallamehr Allansia
Kaynlesh-Ma City (capital) Arantis Allansia
Kharnek Ruins n/a Allansia n/a
K'rrstal City Caarth Empire Allansia
Marzail Village None Allansia
Meerham Village None Allansia
Merluk City None Allansia
Mirewater Village None Allansia
Port Blacksand City Port Blacksand Allansia Lord Varek Azzur
Rentarn Town None Allansia
Rimon City Rimon Allansia
Salamonis City Salamonis Allansia King Salamon
Sardath City Sardath Allansia
Shazaar City None Allansia
S'hchtiss City Caarth Empire Allansia
Silur Cha City (capital) Lizard Man Empire Allansia
Silverton Town None Allansia Mayor Owen Carralif
Stittle Woad Village Elven Nation Allansia
Stonebridge Village Dwarven Nation Allansia King Gillibran
S'turrak City Caarth Empire Allansia
Tiranduil Kelthas (Darkside) City (capital) Dark Elven Nation Allansia King Eilden Kerithrion
Traole City (capital) Isles of the Dawn Isles of the Dawn
Vatos Ruins n/a Allansia n/a
Vymorna City Vymorna Allansia Queen Perriel
Vynheim City None Allansia
Warpstone 0 Dwarven Nation Allansia
Wolftown Town None Allansia
Zengis City (capital) Kaypong Allansia Baron Cognoy

Arrowhead Islands[]

Name Type State Continent Ruler
Benari Village Varadian Alliance Arrowhead Islands
Keladon Village Varadian Alliance Arrowhead Islands
Port Borgos Town Varadian Alliance Arrowhead Islands
Port Vernale City (capital) Varadian Alliance Arrowhead Islands
Siltport Town Varadian Alliance Arrowhead Islands


Name Type State Continent Ruler
Anghelm 0 Klarash Khul
Arion City Arion Khul King Jonthane
Ashkyos City Ashkyos Khul Marshal Lakatos
Assur City Assur Khul
Atlantis City Ruins n/a Western Ocean n/a
Bogomil 0 Kazan Khul
Buruna City Klarash Khul
Calah City Calah Khul
Caverndown Village None Khul
Corda City Corda Khul
Djiretta City Klarash Khul
Fenmarge Village Klarash Khul
Festham 0 Klarash Khul
Gorak Capital Gorak Khul
Govanthian Village None Khul
Gundobad City (capital) Gundobad Khul Pasha Vulfolaic
Hulugu 0 Kazan Khul
Hyennish Village None Khul
Kabesh Ruins n/a Khul n/a
Kalagar 0 [[]] Khul
Kalamdar [1] City (capital) Kingdom of Peleus Khul Peleus
Kalima 0 Klarash Khul
Kazilik 0 Kazan Khul
Kelther 0 Klarash Khul
Klein Kastel Town Klarash Khul
Kirkuk Town None Khul
Kish City Kish Khul
Konichi City (capital) Hachiman Khul
Korkut 0 Kazan Khul
Lagash City Lagash Khul
Marad City Marad Khul
Neuburg 0 Klarash Khul Baron Tholdur
Rahasta Village None Khul
Shakuru City None Khul
Sharrabbas City (capital) Kazan Khul
Shurrupak City Shurrupak Khul
Svistraum 0 Klarash Khul
Tak City Tak Khul
The Dead City Ruins n/a Khul n/a
Traole City (capital) Isles of the Dawn Isles of the Dawn
Uruz 0 Kazan Khul
Willowbend Village Klarash Khul
Ximoran City (capital) Klarash Khul
Yaziel Village None Khul
Yigenik 0 Kazan Khul
Zagoula Ruins n/a Khul n/a
Zamarra City Zamarra Khul

Old World[]

Name Type State Continent Ruler
Arkleton City (capital) Analand Old World
Astonbury Village Gallantaria Old World
Atlantis City Ruins n/a Western Ocean n/a
Axmoor Village Gallantaria Old World
Canunie 0 Lendleland Old World
Casper Town Gallantaria Old World
Chalannabrad City (capital) Femphrey Old World
City of Mazes City Brice Old World
Colton-on-the-Marsh Village Gallantaria Old World
Crowford Village Gallantaria Old World
Crystal City 0 Femphrey Old World
Cumbleside Village Gallantaria Old World n/a
Dunningham Village Gallantaria Old World Burgmeister
Eacham Village Gallantaria Old World
Eerieside 0 Femphrey Old World
Fickling Town Gallantaria Old World
Forrin Town Gallantaria Old World
Gornt Town Gallantaria Old World Burgomeister Ennian
Gummport City Analand Old World
Harabnab 0 Ruddlestone Old World
Hustings Village Gallantaria Old World
Karnstein Village Gallantaria Old World
Klisdon Town Gallantaria Old World
Narbury Village Gallantaria Old World
Oakhill Village Gallantaria Old World
Outpost Village Analand Old World
Pollua City (capital) Lendleland Old World
Port of Crabs 0 Ruddlestone Old World
Puss 0 Lendleland Old World
Quill 0 Brice Old World
Rorutuna 0 Lendleland Old World
Royal Lendle City (capital) Gallantaria Old World
Scarton 0 Analand Old World
Shattuck Village Gallantaria Old World
Stanford Village Gallantaria Old World
Tannatown 0 Femphrey Old World
Forbidden Fortress City (capital) Brice Old World
Traole City (capital) Isles of the Dawn Isles of the Dawn
Weddonbridge Village Gallantaria Old World Romond
Weirtown Town Gallantaria Old World

See Also[]


  1. The Warlock's Way (para. 227 )