Type Tree

The Ebony Tree is the name of a tropical Allansian and Khulian tree which has hard black heartwood used in cabinetwork and inlaying.[1]


These trees are still to be found in some parts of northern Khul, although now rarely. To the Flintskin People of northern Deathmoor a foot-long branch from an ancient ebony tree, with a silver hexagram on it is a sacred totem, and carries much power.[2]

Further Information in Canon[]

More information can be found at:Source[3]
Stealer of Souls (para19, para34, para69, para90, para172, para201, para246, para260, para258, para275, para329, para355, para386)
Shadowmaster (pg126)
Howl of the Werewolf (para149, para432)
Temple of Terror (para9, para27, para35, para115, para196, para231, para247, para302)
Scorpion Swamp (para225)
The Warrior's Way (para119, para470)
Night Dragon (para395)
Deathmoor (para194, para322)
The Crown of Kings (para355, pg363)
Seas of Blood (para63, para214)


# - denotes a reference with statistics
* - denotes a picture


  1. Blacksand! - p.??
  2. Deathmoor - ???
  3. Complete list of references catalogued by FF Titan Herbal