For multi-player adventures based on Advanced Fighting Fantasy, see Fan Written Advanced Fighting Fantasy

Fan Written Fighting Fantasy is a list of all the fan written Fighting Fantasy gamebooks made available to play on or download from the internet.


Fan Written Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks
Title Author(s) Illustrator(s) No. of Refs Location Notes
Appointment with Lord Azzur Tammy Badowski N/A 20 Allansia, Port Blacksand Contains sexually explicit content
Assault on the Fortress of Evil Al Sander Zeffin (Cover)
Issac, Jasmine, Zeffin (Interior)
50 Allansia, Salamonis
Any Port in a Storm Robert Douglas N/A 100 Ocean Pacific Ocean, New Strathberg
Bad Moon Rising Davy Stedham N/A 70 Unknown
Bakland Battlegrounds Stuart Lloyd N/A 25 Old World, Analand
Bandit Sorcerer Jon Fryer N/A 50 Old World, Kakhabad
Bane of Silverton Stuart Lloyd N/A 25 Allansia, Silverton
Below Zero Point Robert Douglas N/A 380 Space, Polaris
The Black Lobster Andrew Wright Iain McCaig (Cover)[1] 60 Allansia, Port Blacksand
Blacksand Assassin Al Sander Issac, Jasmine, Zeffin (Interior) 198[2] Allansia, Port Blacksand Only 40 refs published
Blacksand Revisted TBC N/A 50 Allansia, Port Blacksand
The Blackthorne Ogre Christopher Challice N/A 25 Blackthorne
Bloodsworth Bayou Cian Gill N/A 90 Earth, Louisiana
The Bodies in the Docks Simon Osborne N/A 140 Earth, Portsmouth aka The Strange Case of the Bodies in the Docks
Call of the Sirens Zachary Carango N/A 25 The Blue Lady
Castle of Terror Chris Bedford N/A 25[3] Black Castle
Catastrophe in the Arctic Alex Dundas N/A 20 Earth, Arctic
The Caves of Evil Joao Ruivo N/A 400 Artou, Tropic Island English translation of the author's Portuguese gamebook As Grutas do Mal
Cellbreaker James A. Hirons N/A 83 Allansia, Salamonis
Champion of Doom Andrew Gale TBC 50 Allansia, Arantis, Kaynlesh-Ma
Charms and Tiny Arrows Andrew Wright N/A 25 Amoria
Claw of the Fleshless King Andrew Gale N/A 50 Earth
The Cold Heart of Chaos Al Sander Zeppin (Cover) 60 Allansia, Icefinger Mountains
Contractual Obligation Ulysses Ai Ulysses Ai (Cover) 127 Space Sequel to The Hypertrout
Creature of Hangover Greg Neill N/A 47 Earth Section 47 is numbered 400; audio version available
The Crimson Ark Tammy Badowski N/A 60 Allansia, The Crimson Ark
The Curse of Blackwood Manor Craig Dutton N/A 240 Earth, Blackwood Manor
The Dark Lord Tammy Badowski N/A 200 Allansia, Darkwood Forest
A Day in the Life Gavin Mitchell N/A 25 Earth, Bloodstock Excessive Swearing and sexual talk.
The Dead World Ulysses Ai Ulysses Ai (Cover) 170 Space Sequel to Contractual Obligation
Destroyer of Worlds Shane Garvey, R.M. Kawano and Philip Sadler N/A 21[3] Unknown Location specifically given as "an unknown region in an unknown place"
The Diamond Key Ulysses Ai N/A 1000 Granborin
Doom Demon Philip Sadler N/A 17[2] Earth? Only 5 refs published
Dragon's Bane Tammy Badowski N/A 100 Allansia, Port Blacksand
Eddie in The Bellcrest Artefact Tammy Badowski N/A 303 Earth, London Tribute to Rik Mayall in style of the Bottom television series
The Enriyes Ramsay Duff N/A 100 Earth, Greece Entry in the 2009 Windhammer Prize for Short Gamebook Fiction
Escape from Oblivion Rob Horton N/A 40 Old World, BriceOblivion
Escape from Phrodite William Corgan N/A 50 Space, Phrodite
The Evil Eye S.J. Bell N/A 94 Tarnach Entry in the 2012 Windhammer Prize for Short Gamebook Fiction
The Fall of Blacksand Jerome Luepkes N/A 50 Allansia, Port Blacksand
Feathers of the Phoenix Kieran Coghlan N/A 50 Allansia, Port Blacksand
Festivities of Fury Greg Neill N/A 62 Icecrack
A Flame in the North Richard Evans N/A 600 Innshelm Sequel to A Shadow in the North
Fortress of Evil John Stock N/A 399[2] Allansia, Forest of Night Only 138 refs published
From the Shadows Archmage, Tammy Badowski, Victor Cheng, Ed Jolley, Odo_ital, and Al Sander TBC 400 Allansia
Gamor's Tremble Theophilus N/A 12[3] Earth, England
Garden of Bones Alec Worley N/A 50 Allansia, Barn Entry in the 2009 Windhammer Prize for Short Gamebook Fiction
Gladiator David Holt (Editor) Russ Nicholson 35 TBC
The Golden Crate Ulysses Ai Ulysses Ai (Cover) 268 Space Sequel to Planet of the Spiders
Grim Holiday Tammy Badowski N/A 45 Allansia
Grim Holiday 2 Tammy Badowski N/A 31 Earth?
The Grimlock's Cave Ashton Saylor TBC 85 Burapani
Grisly Death Stacey Paulson N/A 36 Earth, London
Groovy Mortals Tammy Badowski N/A 30 Old World, Mortvania
Hellfire Philip Sadler N/A 499 Khul, Wastes of Chaos
Hold of the Heartless Peter King N/A 25 Keep of the Succubus
Honour and Glory Mark Lain N/A 52 Old World, Royal Lendle
The Hostel of Doom Margaret Hall Iain McCaig 71 Earth, England
The House of Venus Tammy Badowski N/A 40 Earth, Heart Hall Contains sexually explicit content
Hovel of the Vampire Greg Neill N/A 37 TBC Section 37 is numbered 400
The Hypertrout Ulysses Ai Ulysses Ai (Cover) 77 Space Sequel to The Golden Crate
Hunger of the Wolf Kieran Coghlan N/A 400 Khul, Scorpion Swamp
Impudent Peasant! Andrew Wright N/A[4] 50 Allansia, Bitterford
In the Footsteps of a Hero Victor Cheng N/A 50 Allansia, Port Blacksand
In the Name of Love Stuart Lloyd N/A 25 Allansia, Salamonis
Isle of the Cyclops Andrew Wright Martin McKenna (Cover)[5]
Russ Nicholson (Interior)[6]
50 Old World, Bird Islands
The Key Bearer Neil Blanckenberg N/A 50 Allansia, Port Blacksand
Kill the Beast Victor Cheng N/A 40 Unknown
The Labyrinth of the Father Paul Mc N/A 400 Earth, Labyrinth of the Father Sequel to Satan's Academy
Lair of the Lunatic James A. Hirons N/A 100 Allansia, Port Blacksand
Lair of the Troglodytes Andrew Wright N/A 80 Allansia, Warren of Akhuz
Left For Dead Stuart Lloyd N/A 25 Allansia, Flatlands
The Love Cure Geraint Price N/A 25 Allansia, Darkwood Forest
Lovelorn Orc Tammy Badowski N/A 30 Earth?
The Loyal Servant Tammy Badowski N/A 101 Allansia
Madman's Dash David Holt, Theophilus, Chris Davies and Philip Sadler N/A 15[3] Allansia, Zengis
The Manor On Crimson Hill Stuart Lloyd, masterchief, Dominic Marquotte, Alexander Ballingall, venture19, Tammy Badowski, jonf, meneldur N/A 96[2] Unknown Forum project to write a collective gamebook; Writers identified only by user names; Only 95 refs published
The Manse of Mheng Andrew Wright N/A 27 Old World, Mauristatia Sequel to The Maze of Mheng
Massacre City Thomas Goodall N/A 50 Masa-cra City
Maze of Mayhem Stephen Page N/A 40 Lietarra, Cathelliolon
The Maze of Mheng Andrew Wright N/A 26 Old World, Mauristatia
Midnight Deep Hugh Eldred-Grigg N/A 400 Allansia, Shabak
A Midwinter Carol Kieran Coghlan N/A 50 TBC
Monarch of Monoland Doug Riddell N/A 50 Monoland aka The Quest
New Day Rising Gavin Mitchell N/A 75 Old World, Altgarten Follow-up to Outsider!
New Day Rising: Another World Gavin Mitchell N/A 40 Old World, Altgarten Follow-up to New Day Rising
Nightshade Mark Lain N/A 100 Allansia, Coven
Nye's Song Robert Douglas N/A 90 Earth Entry in the 2012 Windhammer Prize for Short Gamebook Fiction
'O Greayt Orc Boss Steven Taylor & Scott ??? N/A 100 TBC
The Orb of Souls Craig Dutton N/A 400 Sanbury Abbey
Orc Heart Geraint Price N/A 71 Allansia, Vale of Willow
Out of Time Tom Bennett N/A 25 Allansia, Flatlands
Outsider! Gavin Mitchell N/A 458 Old World, Altgarten
Passages of Peril John Churchill N/A 100 Khul, Oakbridge
Pit of Peril Jason Smith N/A 40 Allansia, Plain of Bronze
Planet of Peril Gregory Unger N/A 150 Space
Planet of the Spiders Ulysses Ai Ulysses Ai (Cover) 109 Space Sequel to Wrong Way Go Back
The Presence of a Hero Stuart Lloyd N/A 50 Allansia, Port Blacksand
A Princess of Zamarra Kieran Coghlan N/A 500 Khul, Zamarra
Prison of Pestilence Robert Douglas N/A 400 Khul, Marpesia
Quest for the Ebony Wand Hamza Moiz N/A 200 Allansia
The Ranger of Grewlant Zeca Teixeira TBC 401 Allansia, Frostholm
Realm of the Vampire Sagi Hed & Doug Riddell Sagi Hed (Cover) 557 Old World, Analand
Return of the Centaurs Martyn Knight Martyn Knight 400 Taragon, Pathos
Return to G15-275 Ulysses Ai Ulysses Ai (Cover) 600 Space Sequel to The Dead World
Revenge of the Shadow Demon Seb Menkes N/A 50 Allansia, Firetop Mountain
Riders of the Storm Philip Sadler N/A 400 Unknown Sequel to Hellfire
Rise of the Night Creatures Tammy Badowski TBC 200 Earth
The Roar of the Dragon Sophie Frost Tez Frost 50 Unknown
Roots of Evil Nicholas Marsh TBC 25 Allansia
Rule of the Zombies Daniel Evans N/A 50 Agron
Sanctuary of Souls Kieran Coghlan TBC 50 Khul, Kazan
The Sanguine Wave Ed Jolley N/A 81 Khul, Red Crab Bay
Satan's Academy Paul Mc N/A 400 Earth, St Anne's Academy
The 7th Quest sylas N/A 33 The Adventurer's Academy
A Shadow in the North Richard Evans N/A 700 Innshelm
Sharkbait's Revenge Stuart Lloyd N/A 100 Archipelago of Guatam
Shores of the Griffons David Holt, Theophilus and Philip Sadler N/A 22 Allansia
Simonius' Challenge Stuart Lloyd N/A 50 Allansia, Zengis
A Simple Task Laurence Sinclair N/A 450 Allansia, Langarroc
The Sleeping Dragon Tammy Badowski N/A 100 Khul, The Silhouette Islands Incorporated into Tales from the Bird Islands
Snakeland Scorpion Robert Douglas N/A 400 Allansia, The Snakelands
Son of the Shadows Justin Krahne N/A 50 Unknown
Stalking the Snow Beast Zachary Carango N/A 40 Agoura
State of Mind Michael Hartland N/A 300 Khul, Anghelm
Sukumvit's Grotto Mark Lain N/A 144 Allansia, Fang
Survivor's Struggle Stuart Lloyd N/A 25 Allansia
Sword of the Fallen Laurence MacNaughton N/A 45 Unknown
Tales from the Bird Islands Ulysses Ai, Andrew Wright, Alessandro Viola, Gaetano Abbondanza, Tammy Badowski, Richard Evans Russ Nicholson 925[3] Old World, Bird Islands Incorporates and builds on Isle of the Cyclops
Temple of the Bronze God Andrew Wright N/A 25 Daddu-Yadu
Termination Trials George Jenkins N/A 41 Unknown
Ticket to Blacksand Tammy Badowski N/A 60 Allansia, River Kok, Port Blacksand
To Catch a Thief Kieran Coghlan N/A 40 Allansia, Fang
Tomb of the Ancients Stuart Lloyd N/A 50 Allansia, Flatlands
Treasures of the Briny Deep Kieran Coghlan N/A 50 Khul, Inland Sea
The Triad of Skulls Stuart Lloyd N/A 81 Allansia, Fire Island Entry in the 2008 Windhammer Prize for Short Gamebook Fiction
The Trial of Allibor's Tomb Jeff Sinasac N/A 507 Abir, Allibor's Tomb
Under the Titan Sun Tammy Badowski N/A 30 Allansia, Fang
Vatos Tammy Badowski N/A 20 Allansia, Vatos
Venom of Vortan Mark Lain N/A 225 Allansia, Desert of Skulls
Village of Evermas Dan Brida N/A 50 Earth, Evermas
Warband Alfred Drake N/A 40 Allansia, Moonstone Hills
War of Deities Stuart Lloyd N/A 400 Allansia, Pagan Plains
The Warrior Chain Tammy Badowski N/A 25 Allansia, Icefinger Mountains
Warrior Wizard: The Attack Christopher Turner N/A 50 Jabitanti
The Wicker Hamper Sean Loftiss TBC (Cover)
TBC (Interior)
50 Earth, The Wayfaring Stranger
Wight Christmas Billy White N/A 100 Earth
The Word Fell Silent Kieran Coghlan N/A 100 Earth, Ancient Judea Entry in the 2010 Windhammer Prize for Short Gamebook Fiction
The Wrath of Cain Ramsay Duff N/A 61 Allansia, Port Blacksand
Wrong Way Go Back Ulysses Ai Ulysses Ai (Cover) 60 Space
Xshanaar Assassin Tammy Badowski N/A 200 Allansia, Port Blacksand
Yellow Snow Ed Jolley N/A 101 Earth, probably England
Yellow Snow II Ed Jolley N/A 98[2] Earth, probably England Only 34 refs published

Based on Official Gamebooks[]

Fan Written Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks
Title Author(s) Illustrator(s) No. of Refs Location Notes
The Aleff Alan Aston, Greg Neill N/A N/A Various Visiting FF adventures Spectral Stalkers-style
Army of the Alchemist Paul Partington N/A 400 Allansia, Claw Sequel to Armies of Death
The Beggar from Blacksand Aaron Clancy N/A 50 Allansia, Port Blacksand Sequel to The Citadel of Chaos
Beggars of Blacksand Al Sander Zeppin (Cover) 64 Allansia, Port Blacksand Sequel to The Citadel of Chaos
Christmas in Hell Jack Henseleit N/A 50 Earth, England Sequel to House of Hell
The Curse of Drumer Robert Douglas N/A 400 Earth, England Sequel to House of Hell
Deathtrap Philip Sadler N/A 499 Allansia, Fang Prequel to Deathtrap Dungeon
Deathtrap Dungeon 3 Ken Beuden, Daniel Fiander,
Jared Milne, Brett Schofield & Andrew Wright
Les Edwards (Cover)[7]
István Lakatos (Interior)[7][4]
400 Allansia, Fang Sequel to Trial of Champions
Deathtrap Overlord Al Sander N/A 40 Allansia, Fang Sequel to Trial of Champions
Deathtrap Raider Tammy Badowski N/A 30 Allansia, Fang (Future?) Based on Deathtrap Dungeon
Escape Neuburg Keep Tammy Badowski N/A 30 Khul, Neuberg Sequel to Beneath Nightmare Castle
Forest of Chaos Stuart Lloyd N/A 25 Allansia, Forest of Chaos Prequel to The Citadel of Chaos
The Forest of Dreams Nathan Page N/A[8] 500 Allansia, Darkwood Forest Prequel to The Forest of Doom
The Horror of Craggen Rock Nathan Page N/A 400 Allansia, Vale of Willow Prequel to The Citadel of Chaos
House of Horror Gaetano Abbondanza N/A 400 Earth, England Prequel to House of Hell
House of Pain Philip Sadler N/A 499 Earth, England Sequel to House of Hell
Labyrinth of Lies Mark Stoneham TBC TBC[3] Allansia, Fang Sequel to Trial of Champions
Legacy of the Vampire Mark Lain N/A 167 Old World, Mortvania Sequel to Revenge of the Vampire
Midnight Rogue II Tammy Badowski John Sibbick (Cover) 150 Allansia, Port Blacksand Sequel to Midnight Rogue; aka Flagstone Manor
Murderous Mire Greg Neill N/A 167 Titan Pastiche/Parody of Scorpion Swamp
Nightmare Castle: Rise of Skarlos Ramsay Duff N/A 66 Khul, Neuburg Prequel to Beneath Nightmare Castle
The Race from Earth End Oliver Whawell N/A 150 Old World, Kakhabad Contemporaneous with Kharé - Cityport of Traps & The Seven Serpents
Rebels of the Dark Chasms Steven Taylor N/A 150 Khul, Dark Chasms Contemporaneous with Chasms of Malice
The Resurrection of Razaak vagsancho N/A See Notes Allansia; Yaztromo's Tower Sequel to Crypt of the Sorcerer; Only Background section written
Return of the Lizard King Paul Partington N/A 400 Allansia, Oyster Bay Sequel to Island of the Lizard King
Shadowcaster Stuart Lloyd N/A 533 Khul, Neuburg Prequel to Beneath Nightmare Castle; aka Walking the Path of Shadow
Titan City: Nemesis Tammy Badowski N/A 40 Titan City Sequel to Appointment with F.E.A.R.

Fighting Fan-Tales[]

For information on these, see Mini-FF

Fighting Fantazine Adventures[]

Fan Written Fighting Fantasy Adventures
Title Author(s) Illustrator(s) No. of Refs Location Published
Resurrection of the Dead Alexander Ballingall Andrew Wright (Cover)
Alexander Ballingall (Interior)[9]
200 Old World, Bandur Green Fighting Fantazine #1 September 2009
Shrine of the Salamander Andrew Wright Natalie Roberts (Cover)
Brett Schofield (Interior)[10]
200 Old World, Croaking Caves Fighting Fantazine #2 January 2010
Prey of the Hunter Kieran Coghlan Brett Schofield (Cover)
Peter Adamson (Interior)
200 Space, Karthran-6 Fighting Fantazine #3 May 2010
In Search of the Mungies' Gold Warren McGuire Alexander Ballingall 200 Old World, Mauristatia Fighting Fantazine #4 October 2010
Bones of the Banished Brett Schofield Natalie Gingerboom (Cover)
Brett Schofield (Interior)
274 Allansia, Plain of Bones Fighting Fantazine #5 February 2011
Escape from the Sorcerer Sunil Prasannan Michael Wolmarans 200 Allansia, Agra Fighting Fantazine #6 May 2011
Queen of Shades Paul Struth N. Gingerboom (Cover)
Alexander Ballingall (Interior)
230 Old World, Kharé Fighting Fantazine #7 September 2011
Vengeance at Midnight Alexander Ballingall Alexander Ballingall 269 Titan City Fighting Fantazine #8 February 2012
Return to the Icefinger Mountains Ed Jolley Brett Schofield 275 Allansia, Icefinger Mountains Fighting Fantazine #9 July 2012
Hand of Fate Kieran Coghlan Eric Chaussin (Cover)
Robertson Sondoh Jr. (Interior)
230 Allansia, Vatos Fighting Fantazine #10 December 2012
Ascent of Darkness Stuart Lloyd Michael Wolmarans 219 Allansia, Carsepolis Fighting Fantazine #11 April 2013
Starhunt: Void Slavers Ian Brocklehurst Angela Salamaliki 206 Space Fighting Fantazine #12 October 2013
Six-Gun Friday Gaetano Abbondanza Michael Wolmarans (Cover)
Massimiliano Amadesi (Interior)
200 Earth, America Fighting Fantazine #13 April 2014
Lords of Stone Brett Schofield Brett Schofield 200 TBC Fighting Fantazine #15 May 2016
Sister Angela's Veil Mark Lain Michael Wolmarans (Cover)
Simon Walpole (Interior)
212 Allansia, Moonstone Hills Fighting Fantazine #16 August 2017
Barbarian Warlord! Andrew Wright Tony Hough (Cover)
TBA (Interior)
200 Allansia, TBC Fighting Fantazine #17 August 2022

Other Languages[]


Fan Written Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks
Original French Title Translated English Title Author(s) Illustrator(s) No. of Refs Location Notes
Exil vers Kelan Cha Exile to Kelan Cha Bruenor Ryan Wardlow 400 Allansia, Vymorna Contemporeanous with Battleblade Warrior
Les Portes du Daleth


Gates of the Daleth Various[12] N/A 917 Khul and Space Sequel to Spectral Stalkers
Retour au Marais aux Scorpions


Return to Scorpion Swamp Various[14] Various[15] 1052 Khul, Scorpion Swamp Sequel to Scorpion Swamp
Le Sanctuaire des Kamis Sanctuary of the Kamis Xav' Unknown 100 Khul, Hachiman Sequel to Sword of the Samurai
Le Trône d'Arion The Throne of Arion Jérôme Wirth Neocore Games 590 Khul, Arion Sequel to Masks of Mayhem and Deathmoor


Fan Written Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks
Original Hungarian Title Translated English Title Author(s) Illustrator(s) No. of Refs Location Notes
A Fekete Lovag The Black Knight Killmaster István Lakatos 200 Published in Kaland Játék Kockázat issue 5 June 2013
A Futár The Courier Gery István Lakatos 200 Published in Kaland Játék Kockázat issue 5 June 2013
Út a dicsőségbe Road to Glory Gyilkos Fűz István Lakatos 200 Published in Kaland Játék Kockázat issue 5 June 2013

See Also[]


  1. Cover illustration taken from City of Thieves. Also features black and white maps by Steve Luxton taken from Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World and Blacksand!
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 This number is actually smaller as some numbers are skipped due to the adventure being unfinished.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 This adventure is incomplete.
  4. 4.0 4.1 There is a colour map by David Holt however.
  5. Cover illustration taken from Curse of the Mummy.
  6. Interior illustrations taken from the Fable Lands gamebooks Over the Blood-Dark Sea, The Plains of Howling Darkness and Lords of the Rising Sun.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Hungarian version only.
  8. There is a colour map by Arnold Page however.
  9. There is also a colour map by Alexander Ballingall.
  10. There is also a colour map by Andrew Wright.
  11. [1]
  12. This gamebook was the collaborative work of 10 authors:Aragorn, Caïthness, Fitz, Paragraphe 14, Redo, Skarn, Sombrecoeur, Sukumvit, Thierry Dicule, and Vic.
  13. [2]
  14. This gamebook was the collaborative work of 20 authors: Caïthness, HDV, Jehan, Aragorn, Skarn, Julien Meneldur, Outremer, Niki, Orion, Guillaume, Plume.pipo, Fitz, Salla, Segna, Oiseau, Sombrecoeur, Glutinus, Yavanna, Paragraphe 14, and Ookami.
  15. This gamebook was the collaborative work of 4 illustrators: Chimæra, Niki, WhiteRaven , and Julien Meneldur.