
Fenmarge was a small town or village on the southern edge of Scorpion Swamp in western Khul.[1] A track leads north from Fenmarge into the swamp,[2] and it has at least one tavern.[3]

Notable Inhabitants[]

At the time of the events described in Scorpion Swamp, residents of Fenmarge include:

See Also[]


  1. Scorpion Swamp - 1; Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - 23/37
  2. Scorpion Swamp - 9
  3. Scorpion Swamp - 1. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World (p. 124/294) locates The Bent Spear in Fenmarge, but this is clearly an error, as this is in Willowbend in the gamebook Scorpion Swamp (para. 78)