Fighting Dantasy
Commercial? No
URL http://fightingdantasy.blogspot.com/
Type of site blog
Owner Dan Satherley
Available language(s) English
Launched February 23 2008
Current Status Active

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Fighting Dantasy is a Fighting Fantasy-orientated blog run by Dan Satherley and launched in 2008.


The introductory paragraph of the blog reads thus:

Hi! Where to start... Well, my name is Dan, and not so long ago I acquired a massive box of Fighting Fantasy gamebooks. They originally came out in the 1980s and '90s, and I used to read them as a kid. The box didn't have every single one, but most of them, so I'm going to play them in order, and write about them here. It's that simple, really!

The blog provides semi-satirical, humorous replays through each of the books, sticking 100 percent to rules and offering grown-up observations on books once enjoyed as a kid.


See Also[]

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