
The complete Fighting Fantasy Collection is vast, made up not only of the Puffin Books publications and Wizard Books publications, but also of a vast array of official Licensed Merchandise. This page aims to have the complete list of products. There have been a number of attempts to produce such a list on various sites and publications, notably most recently in the 25th Anniversary Edition of The Warlock of Firetop Mountain. However, on each occasion items have been missed or erroneously listed and so it is wise to suggest that this list may increase in size in the future as ever more obscure items come to light.

Puffin Books[]

Main article: Fighting Fantasy Collection - Puffin Books


Main article: Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks (Puffin)‎

Steve Jackson's Sorcery![]

Main article: Fighting Fantasy Collection - Puffin Books#Steve Jackson's Sorcery!

Fighting Fantasy - The Role-Playing Game Books[]

Main article: Fighting Fantasy Collection - Puffin Books#Fighting Fantasy - The Role-Playing Game

The Advanced Fighting Fantasy System[]

Main article: Fighting Fantasy Collection - Puffin Books#The Advanced Fighting Fantasy System

Fighting Fantasy Novels[]

Main article: Fighting Fantasy Collection - Puffin Books#Fighting Fantasy Novels

The Zagor Chronicles[]

Main article: Fighting Fantasy Collection - Puffin Books#The Zagor Chronicles

PuzzleQuest Books[]

Main article: Fighting Fantasy Collection - Puffin Books#PuzzleQuest Books

Two-Player Gamebooks[]

Main article: Fighting Fantasy Collection - Puffin Books#Two-Player Gamebooks

First Fighting Fantasy[]

Main article: Fighting Fantasy Collection - Puffin Books#Adventures of Goldhawk

Other Books[]

Main article: Fighting Fantasy Collection - Puffin Books#Other Books

Warlock Magazine[]

Main article: Fighting Fantasy Collection - Puffin Books#Warlock Magazine

Miscellaneous Puffin Merchandise[]

Main article: Fighting Fantasy Collection - Puffin Books#Other Puffin Merchandise
This includes details of Bookmarks, Questpacks, Boxsets, Posters, some computer games and Unique Items.

Wizard Books[]

Main article: Fighting Fantasy Collection - Wizard Books


Main article: Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks (Wizard)‎

Miscellaneous Wizard Merchandise[]

Main article: Fighting Fantasy Collection - Wizard Books#Other Merchandise

Fighting Fantasy Licensed Merchandise[]

Video Games[]

Main article: Computer Games

There were at least seven titles converted by a variety of publishers and developers, over a combination of seven platforms. The various combinations of title and platform are clearly shown in the main article.

Mobile Phone Games[]


Main article: Fighting Fantasy e-Books


Main article: Fighting Fantasy Boardgames
Title Publisher Designer Illustrator Box illustrator First published
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain Games Workshop Steve Jackson Dave Andrews Peter Andrew Jones 1986
Legend of Zagor Parker Bros./Hasbro Unknown Martin McKenna Unknown 1993


Main article: Fighting Fantasy Jigsaws

The jigsaws were made by Games Workshop and advertised as "500 Pieces De Luxe Fantasy Puzzles".[1] The two jigsaws were:

Miniatures & Models[]

Fighting Fantasy Miniatures[]

Main article: Fighting Fantasy Figure

There were 27 plastic figures created by Citadel Miniatures in the Fighting Fantasy Heroes range:

  • Wizards
    • FF01: Mystic Wizard
    • FF02: Mystic Wizard
    • FF03: Mystic Wizard
  • Barbarians
    • FF04: Mighty Thewed Barbarian
    • FF05: Mighty Thewed Barbarian
    • FF06: Mighty Thewed Barbarian
  • Heroic Knights
    • FF07: Heroic Knight
    • FF08: Heroic Knight
    • FF09: Heroic Knight
  • Warriors of Chaos
    • FF10: Warrior of Chaos
    • FF11: Warrior of Chaos
    • FF12: Warrior of Chaos
  • Dwarfs
    • FF13: Fearless Dwarf
    • FF14: Fearless Dwarf
    • FF15: Fearless Dwarf
  • Elves - Advertised - not released[2]
  • Skeletons
    • FF16: Deadly Skeleton
    • FF17: Deadly Skeleton
    • FF18: Deadly Skeleton
  • Goblins
    • FF19: Evil Goblin
    • FF20: Evil Goblin
    • FF21: Evil Goblin
  • Orcs
    • FF22: Vile Orc
    • FF23: Vile Orc
    • FF24: Vile Orc
  • Ogres
    • FF25: Ogre
    • FF26: Ogre
    • FF27: Ogre
  • Zombies - Advertised - not released[2]
Associated Items[]


Main article: Fighting Fantasy Ornaments

d20 Role-Playing Adventure Scenarios[]

Main article: Myriador

The following books have thus far been converted:

See Also[]


  1. Warlock Issue 4 - Inside Cover
  2. 2.0 2.1 Elves and Zombies were advertised in issue 4 of Warlock. They were also on the back of the packages of other miniatures but specifically cited as "NOT YET AVAILABLE". None have been confirmed and none were advertised on the main all inclusive advert.