
The Fighting Fantasy Heroes Banner

Fighting Fantasy Heroes was the collective name given to the Fighting Fantasy Figures and associated paintset and rule set produced by Citadel Miniatures.

The Elements of Fighting Fantasy Heroes[]

Games Workshop Mailorder Advert for Miniatures[]

On Page 43 of Warlock issue 6, a Games Workshop mail order advert listed these as follows:

      • ADVENTURERS (6 FIGS) .....................................................£3.50 post free
      • MONSTERS (6 FIGS) ............................................................£3.50 post free
    • FIGHTING FANTASY PAINT AND PAINTING GUIDE...................................£1.25
    • FIGHTING FANTASY RULES AND DICE.......................................................£1.25

The "Adventurers" would actually be labelled "Heroes".

Fighting Fantasy Plastic Figures[]

Main article: Fighting Fantasy Figure

These consisted of 27 different figures classed as either "Heroes" or "Monsters" as follows:

As stated in Warlock issue 6 they came with:

...a number of component parts, including a selection of weapons and accessories. Heads or helmets are interchangeable. Different heads are supplied with all the body types, so you can assemble a whole army with no two figures the same.

With the exception of Ogres, that came with 6 interchangeable heads, all the other miniature types came with nine interchangeable heads.

Fighting Fantasy Paint and Painting Guide[]

Main article: Fighting Fantasy Paint Set

This was described as the best way to begin the hobby of painting the miniatures.[1] It was a set containing 10 water-based colours in small sampler pots, and a useful guide "How to Paint your Models" written by renowned fantasy miniatures painter Dave Andrews.

Fighting Fantasy Battlegame[]

Main article: Fighting Fantasy Battlegame

The Fighting Fantasy Battlegame Rules and Dice set was described in issue 6. It said that Citadel Miniatures has produced a special dice set for the Fighting Fantasy Miniatures, which includes not only a selection of multi-sided dice but also a complete set of Battlegame rules for individual combat between adventurers and monsters. "The whole set is quite cheap, selling for only £1.25."[1] This is what was released.

Additional Elements[]


The Battlegame and The Paints with the book Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

It was suggested in Warlock magazine that if you wanted to enact battles with the miniatures then the rules in the Fighting Fantasy books, and Warlock magazine, (using skill, stamina and luck), could be used to fight out further adventures of your own. It pointed out that Steve Jackson's book Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game showed how this could be done.[1] Interestingly, in issue 6 it pictured the "Fighting Fantasy Battlegame Rules and Dice", "Fighting Fantasy Paint Set" and Fighting Fantasy – The Introductory Role-Playing Game together, as if they were a set.

See Also[]

