Défis fantastiques ("Fantastic Challenges") was the name given in France to the Fighting Fantasy series. They were published by Folio Junior, (an imprint of Gallimard), as part of the series Un livre dont vous êtes le héros ("A Book of which You are the Hero").
France is cited as one of the three best-selling markets for Fighting Fantasy (the other two being the UK and Japan). France is also the only country where the series has never been out of print.[1]
Books Translated[]
All the original Fighting Fantasy numbered gamebooks were translated into French, although released in a different order from the UK editions. For many years, Curse of the Mummy was the only one that was unavailable in French, but Gallimard finally published it in April 2015.
All the six new books from the Wizard Books series, as the first new book from the Scholastic series, were also translated.
The different editions[]
Gallimard published continuously the series Défis Fantastiques from 1983 until today. Regularly, the cover design and the isbn of the books changed. In order to distinguish these modifications, the fan communities agreed to refers to these different versions as "première édition", "deuxième édition", and so on. In 2018, five different editions of the books were edited by Gallimard.[2][3]
First edition (from January 1985 to April 1996)[]
This edition is remarkable by its sober cover design. A first small band at the upside of the cover indicated the name of the series Un Livre dont VOUS êtes le Héros. A second band give the author(s) name. From April 1985, the name of the sub-series and a logo were added at the bottom of the cover in order to distinguish the different other sub-series published in the series (like Lone Wolf or Cretan Chronicles). The logo for Défis Fantastiques depicts a sword and a shield, and was designed by Jame's Prunier[4][5]. The first 56 books of the series were published in the first edition.
Second edition (from October 1996 to July 2005)[]
The second edition is always a part of the Folio Junior imprints, and follow the numbering started by the first edition. This edition shows a bigger mention of the collection name, appearing in relief and metallic letters on the cover. It completes the series with the translation of the two last titles of the Puffin series, with the exception of Curse of the Mummy. From September 2004, the books covers show the Wizard Books Fighting Fantasy logo, and some cover illustrations were replaced by the new illustrations from the Wizard series 1.
Third edition (from May 2006 to June 2012)[]
The third edition marks the bigger break in the publication of the series in France. The collection is no longer part of the Folio Junior imprint, and a new numbering is used. The dimensions of the books are different, and the cover design uses a big golden frame. As for the last prints of the 2nd edition, the cover depict the Wizard logo. This edition gets only one new books - the translation of Eye of the Dragon.
Fourth edition (from June 2012 to May 2017)[]
The fourth edition changes the cover design, with a bigger mention of the series. Both the French and Puffin logo were used, in a simplified version. Original books (including Curse of the Mummy and new books of the Wizard series) were published in a different and bigger format, called “Grand Format”. It use the same numbering started with the third edition. The fourth edition marks the beginning of partnership with Scriptarium (publisher of the French version of Advanced Fighting Fantasy role-playing game), who provides proof-reading, and translation homogenization of specific words.
Fifth edition (from April 2018)[]
The fifth edition uses the same numbering of the third and fourth editions. It first used the new cover and interior illustrations from the Scholastic series, then used new art for cover and came back to original arts for interior. It includes new books translations. The partnership with Scriptarium is more important, and additional content was added. First, an encyclopedic section, called "Les Archives d'Allansia" ("the Allansia Files"), was added at the end of the books, and includes informations about characters, locations and encounters of the book. Second, original pre-generated characters were added to the republished books. [6]
New No. | Gamebook | Character 1 | Character 2 | Character 3 |
1 | The Warlock of Firetop Mountain | Crowald the Dwarf | Chaelza the Thief | Raedhell of Silverton |
2 | The Citadel of Chaos | Barlun Sicklin | Fingwilas | Adhrinaël of Ulinort |
3 | The Forest of Doom | Caldra Jordhun | Tibur Drinkbarrel | Harlak Erilsson |
4 | City of Thieves | Nethel'ys dit "The Lighting" | Dolk the Deformed | Mylna of Blacksand |
5 | Deathtrap Dungeon | Denerio Torsk | Sileste Rimoran | Targo Bedin |
7 | Caverns of the Snow Witch | Hantalenn the Vivid | Bhiogrond Wallurnat | Clodenvidre Mirolas |
8 | House of Hell | Gabrielle Durham | Sam Robinson | NA |
10 | Trial of Champions | Wrango the Eel | Muldiriane de Latour | Brandemir Vrachen |
Publication History[]
Original Series[]
Fr. Old No. | Fr. New No. | Puffin No. | Title | Literal Translation | Date | Translated by | Notes |
1 | 1 | 1 | Le Sorcier de la Montagne de Feu | The Wizard of the Mountain of Fire | 11/1983 | Camille Fabien | |
2 | 2 | 2 | La Citadelle du Chaos | The Citadel of Chaos | 09/1984 | Marie Raymond Farré | |
3 | 3 | 3 | La Forêt de la Malédiction | The Forest of the Curse | 09/1984 | Camille Fabien | |
4 | 4 | La Galaxie tragique | The Tragic Galaxy | 09/1984 | Camille Fabien | ||
5 | 4 | 5 | La Cité des Voleurs | City of Thieves | 09/1984 | Janine Hérisson & Henri Robillot | |
6 | 5 | 6 | Le Labyrinthe de la Mort | The Labyrinth of Death | 09/1984 | Patricia Marais | The fifth edition features new cover art by Paul Mafayon. |
7 | 6 | 7 | L'Île du Roi Lézard | Island of King Lizard | 09/1984 | Fabienne Vimereu | |
8 | 8 | Le Marais aux Scorpions | The Scorpion Swamp | 02/1985 | Camille Fabien | ||
9 | 7 | 9 | La Sorcière des Neiges | The Snow Witch | 02/1985 | Michel Zénon | The fifth edition features new cover art by Paul Mafayon. |
10 | 8 | 10 | Le Manoir de l'Enfer | The Manor of Hell | 02/1985 | Michel Zénon | |
11 | 9 | 11 | Le Talisman de la Mort | The Talisman of Death | 02/1985 | Camille Fabien | |
12 | 12 | Le Mercenaire de l'Espace | The Space Mercenary | 10/1985 | Jean Walters | ||
13 | 13 | Le Combattant de l'Autoroute | The Motorway Fighter | 10/1985 | Pascale Jusforgues & Alain Vaulont | ||
14 | 10 | 14 | Le Temple de la Terreur | The Temple of Terror | 10/1985 | Denise May | |
15 | 15 | Les Trafiquants de Kelter | Traffickers of Kelter | 02/1986 | Anne Blanchet | ||
16 | 16 | Défis Sanglants sur l'Océan | Bloody Challenges over the Ocean | 08/1986 | Jean Walters | ||
17 | 11 | 17 | Rendez-vous avec la M.O.R.T. | Appointment with D.E.A.T.H. | 05/1986 | Arnaud Dupin de Beyssat | |
18 | 18 | La Planète Rebelle | The Rebel Planet | 04/1986 | C. Degolf | ||
19 | 19 | Les Démons des Profondeurs | Demons of the Depths | 08/1986 | Noël Chassériau | ||
20 | 20 | L'Épée du Samourai | Sword of the Samurai | 08/1987 | Pascale Jusforgues | ||
21 | 12 | 21 | L'Épreuve des Champions | Trial of the Champions | 02/1987 | Pascale Jusforgues & Alain Vaulont | |
22 | 22 | La Grande menace des Robots | The Great Robot Threat | 08/1987 | Danielle Plociennik | ||
23 | 23 | Les Sceaux de la Destruction | Seals of Destruction | 11/1987 | Sylvie Bonnet | ||
24 | 13 | 24 | La Créature venue du Chaos | The Creature That Came from Chaos | 01/1989 | Noël Chassériau | |
25 | 25 | La Forteresse du Cauchemar | The Fortress of Nightmare | 08/1987 | Mona de Pracontal | ||
26 | 14 | 26 | La Crypte du Sorcier | The Crypt of the Wizard | 11/1987 | Noël Chassériau | |
27 | 27 | Le Chasseur des étoiles | The Star Hunter | 11/1987 | Arnaud Dupin de Beyssat | ||
28 | 28 | Les Spectres de l'Angoisse | Ghosts of Distress | 04/1988 | Mona de Pracontal | The original cover art was replaced by a new illustration by Henri Galeron. | |
29 | 29 | Les Rôdeurs de la Nuit | Prowlers of the Night | 10/1988 | Nicolas Grenier | ||
30 | 30 | Les Gouffres de la Cruauté | Pits of Cruelty | 09/1988 | Sylvie Bonnet | ||
31 | 31 | L'Empire des Hommes-Lézards | The Lizard-Men Empire | 10/1988 | Jean Lacroix | ||
32 | 32 | Les Esclaves de l'Éternité | Slaves of Eternity | 03/1989 | Sylvie Bonnet | ||
33 | 33 | Le Justicier de l'Univers | The Righter of Wrongs of the Universe | 03/1989 | Mona de Pracontal] | The original cover art was replaced by a new illustration by Daniel Moignot. | |
34 | 34 | Le Voleur d'Âmes | The Stealer of Souls | 09/1989 | Mona de Pracontal | ||
35 | 38 | Le Vampire du Château Noir | Vampire of the Black Castle | 03/1990 | Mona de Pracontal | ||
36 | 37 | La Nuit des Mutants | Night of the Mutants | 05/1990 | Anne Collas | ||
37 | 15 | 36 | Les Sombres Cohortes | The Dark Hordes | 03/1990 | Noël Chassériau | |
38 | 35 | L'Élu des Six Clans | The Chosen One of the Six Clans | 06/1990 | Noël Chassériau | ||
39 | 39 | Le Volcan de Zamarra | The Volcano of Zamarra | 05/1990 | Olivier Meyer | ||
40 | 41 | Le Sceptre Noir | The Black Sceptre | 09/1990 | [Camille Fabien | ||
41 | 40 | La Vengeance des Démons | The Revenge on the Demons | 09/1990 | Mona de Pracontal | ||
42 | 42 | L'Ancienne Prophétie | The Old Prophecy | 06/1991 | Mona de Pracontal | ||
43 | 43 | Le Repaire des Morts-Vivants | The Undead Den | 08/1991 | Nicolas Grenier | ||
44 | 44 | La Légende des Guerriers Fantômes | The Legend of the Phantom Warriors | 09/1991 | Alexis Galmot | ||
45 | 46 | La Tour de la Destruction | The Tower of Destruction | 09/1992 | Mona de Pracontal | ||
46 | 48 | L'Arpenteur de la Lune | Land-Surveyor of the Moon | 11/1992 | Pierre de Laubier | ||
47 | 47 | Les Mercenaires du Levant | The Oriental Mercenaries | 04/1993 | Mona de Pracontal | ||
48 | 45 | Les Mondes de l'Aleph | Worlds of the Aleph | 04/1993 | Yannick Surcouf | The second edition features new cover art by Daniel Moignot. | |
49 | 49 | Le Siège de Sardath | The Siege of Sardath | 10/1993 | Yannick Surcouf | ||
50 | 16 | 50 | Retour à la Montagne de Feu | Return to the Mountain of Fire | 11/1993 | Yannick Surcouf | |
51 | 51 | Les Mages de Solani | Sorcerers of Solani | 01/1994 | Noël Chassériau | ||
52 | 17 | 54 | La Légende de Zagor | The Legend of Zagor | 07/1994 | Pascale Houssin | The second edition features new cover art by Daniel Moignot. |
53 | 53 | Le Sépulcre des Ombres | The Shadow Sepulchre | 07/1994 | Noël Chassériau | ||
54 | 55 | Le Voleur de Vie | The Life Stealer | 01/1995 | Mona de Pracontal | The second edition features new cover art by Jean-Philippe Chabot. | |
55 | 56 | Les Chevaliers du Destin | Knights of Destiny | 05/1995 | Pascale Houssin | The second edition features new cover art by Jean Torton. | |
56 | 57 | Le Chasseur de Mages | The Hunter of Sorcerers | 08/1995 | Mona de Pracontal | ||
57 | 58 | La Revanche du Vampire | Revenge of the Vampire | 02/1997 | Yannick Surcouf | ||
58 | 52 | Le Dragon de la Nuit | Dragon of the Night | 05/1997 | Nicolas Grenier | ||
24 | 59 | La Malédiction de la Momie | Curse of the Mummy | 04/2015 | C. Degolf |
New Series[]
New No. | Wizard No. | Title | Literal Translation | Date | Translated by |
18 | 21 (1) | L'Œil d'Émeraude | The Emerald Eye | 01/2007 | C. Degolf |
19 | 26 (1) | Le Pirate de l'Au-delà | The Pirate from Beyond | 06/2012 | C. Degolf |
20 | 8 (2) | La Nuit du Nécromancien | Night of the Necromancer | 11/2012 | C. Degolf |
21 | 29 (1) | La Nuit du Loup-Garou | Night of the Werewolf | 03/2013 | C. Degolf |
22 | 4 (2) | Le Maître des Tempêtes | Master of Storms | 11/2013 | C. Degolf |
23 | — | Le Sang des Zombies | Blood of the Zombies | 06/2014 | C. Degolf |
New No. | Scholastic No. | Title | Literal Translation | Date | Translated by |
25 | 6 | L'Anneau des Serpents de Feu | The Ring of Fire Snakes | 04/2018 | Sophie Brun-Jacquet |
26 | 12 | Le Fléau de Titan | The Scourge of Titan | 11/2019 | Sophie Brun-Jacquet |
27 | 20 | Les Mystères de Salamonis | Mysteries of Salamonis | 05/2023 | Sophie Brun-Jacquet |
28 | 21 | Les Géants de Fer | Giants of Iron | 05/2024 | TBA |
The Sorcery! series was also published under the name Sorcellerie !. The series was published in the first, the second, and the fourth edition. [2][7]
First edition[]
The series use a logo depicting a hand with dice inside its palm. This illustration is a reusing of the cover illustration of the Sorcery! Boxset by John Blanche. [4]
Second edition[]
The series was republished inside the second edition, first using new cover illustrations by Franck Stephan for volume 1 and 3, second using the new cover illustrations of the Wizard series, but without the Wizard logo. Contrary of the Wizard and Scholastic series, Gallimard never included Sorcery! inside the Fighting Fantasy main series.
Fourth edition[]
The Sorcery! books were republished in "grand format" version in the fourth edition. This version included proof reading from Scriptarium, and use the interior arts of the Sorcery Spell Book.
Publication History[]
No. | Title | Literal Translation | Date | Translated by |
1 | Les Collines Maléfiques | The Evil Hills | 05/1985 | Camille Fabien |
2 | La Cité des Pièges | The City of Traps | 05/1985 | Jacques Schakmundès & Camille Fabien |
3 | Les Sept Serpents | The Seven Serpents | 09/1985 | Pascale Jusforgues & Alain Vaulont |
4 | La Couronne des Rois | The Crown of Kings | 09/1985 | Camille Fabien |
Clash of the Princes[]
The two books of Clash of the Princes series were published inside the Double Jeu subseries of Gallimard. This subseries included both the translations of Double Game series (Magnet Books) and Clash of the Princes series[8][9]. The books gets original cover by Jame’s Prunier.[5]
Publication History[]
No. | Title | Literal Translation | Date | Translated by |
5 | Lothar le Sorcier | Lothar the Warlock | 08/1990 | Yannick Surcouf |
6 | Clovis le Chevalier | Clovis the Knight | 09/1990 | Yannick Surcouf |
The Tasks of Tantalon[]
The Tasks of Tantalon was translated into French first in the second issue of Piranha, a magazine edited by Gallimard. It was later released as a hardback book under the title Les Douze Secrets du Sorcier (Twelve Secrets of the Sorcerer).[10]
Two of the Mini-FF adventures were also translated in the magazine Piranha:
- The Temple of Testing, translated with the title Le Temple de l'Épreuve, was published in issue 4.[11]
- The Dervish Stone, translated with the title La Pierre de Shanhara, was published in issue 7.[12]
Advanced Fighting Fantasy[]
The first publishing of a multiplayer role playing game in French language was done in 2013 by Scriptarium, with the translation of the second edition of Advanced Fighting Fantasy, under the title Défis Fantastiques – le Jeu de Rôle. The products in French include both translation of English content, and original content created by Scriptarium.
Publication History[]
Product No. | Title | Literal Translation | Date | Content |
SCR01 | Défis Fantastiques, le Jeu de Rôle | Fantastic Challenges, the roleplaying game | 03/2013 |
SCR02 | Allansia | Allansia | 03/2013 |
SCR03 | L’écran du meneur de jeu | The gamemaster's screen | 08/2013 |
SCR04 | Les accessoires du meneur de jeu | The gamemaster's accessories | 08/2013 |
SCR05 | Titan | Titan | 09/2014 |
SCR06 | Nécessaire de Magie | Magic Kit | 09/2014 |
SCR07 | Yaztromo | Yaztromo | 09/2014 | |
SCR08 | Creatures de Titan | Creatures of Titan | 12/2016 |
SCR09 | L’écran du meneur de jeu - 2eme édition | The gamemaster's screen - 2de edition | 12/2017 |
SCR10 | Maudit Trésor! | Damn treasure! | 08/2019 |
SCR11 | Périls dans les contrées de Titan | Perils in the Lands of Titan | 03/2022 |
For the most part, the French editions feature the same artwork as the original British editions. Some variations do exist. For example, the first title has been released in four editions: 1) Peter Andrew Jones' original painting; 2) Peter Andrew Jones' original painting covered in gold, being a special edition; 3) Peter Andrew Jones' second painting, 4) the Time-Life version with an entirely different piece not seen in English releases but still credited to Jones. Some later titles were also reprinted with variations to their cover layouts, some with completely new artwork by French artists.[13]
The French editions also kept the interior art, but in many cases, some of the illustrations were left aside, presumably to make the books cheaper to print. The worst offender in that category is Revenge of the Vampire, which lost 26 out of its 30 original illustrations. Almost all the maps which were printed on the inside front cover of the original books were also left out of the French editions.
See Also[]
External Links[]
- The Défis fantastiques article on French Wikipedia.
- The Défis fantastiques article on Demian's Gamebook Webpage.
- The Sorcellerie ! article on French Wikipedia.
- ↑ 25th Anniversary Edition of The Warlock of Firetop Mountain, page 223
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Planète LDVELH webpage about the Gallimard different editions
- ↑ La Taverne des Aventuriers topic about the Defis Fantastiques different editions
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 La Taverne des Aventuriers topic about the various logos of subseries
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 La Taverne des Aventuriers topic about Jame's Prunier
- ↑ Announcement of the 2018 French edition on the Official Fighting Fantasy blog
- ↑ La Taverne des Aventuriers topic about the Sorcellerie ! different editions
- ↑ Planète LDVELH webpage about Lothar le Sorcier
- ↑ Planète LDVELH webpage about Clovis le Chevalier
- ↑ Planète LDVELH webpage about Piranha
- ↑ Planète LDVELH webpage about Le Temple de l'Épreuve
- ↑ Planète LDVELH webpage about La Pierre de Shanhara
- ↑ Demian's Gamebook Webpage