
ファイティング・ファンタジー ("Fighting Fantasy") was the name given in Japan to the Fighting Fantasy series. They were published by Shakaishisou Sha.


Japan is cited as one of the three best-selling markets for Fighting Fantasy (the other two being the UK and France).[1]

1986 Publicity Tour[]

In 1986 the Japanese publishers of Fighting Fantasy arranged a publicity tour, inviting Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone to Tokyo for the event. Fans turned out in their hundreds to the various book signings. There was also a "Fighting Fantasy Day" organised by Shakaishiso Sha. Shakaishiso Sha even went so far as to register the names of the two co-founders in Kanji.[2]

Books Translated[]

Publication History[]

No. Puffin No. Title Literal Translation[3] Year
1 1 火吹山の魔法使い Wizard of Fire-Blowing Mountain 30-Dec-1984
2 2 バルサスの要塞 Fortress of Barthus 25-Apr-1985
3 3 運命の森 Forest of Destiny 25-Jul-1985
4 4 さまよえる宇宙船 Explorable Spaceship 20-Sep-1985
5 5 盗賊都市 Thief City 20-Oct-1985
6 6 死のワナの地下迷宮 Deathtrap Underground Labyrinth 20-Nov-1985
7 7 トカゲ王の島 The Island of Lizard King 10-Dec-1985
8 8 サソリ沼の迷路 Scorpion Swamp Maze 21-Feb-1986
9 9 雪の魔女の洞窟 Snow Witch's Cave 25-Apr-1986
10 10 地獄の館 Hell's Mansion 25-Jun-1986
11 11 死神の首飾り The Grim Reaper's Necklace 25-Aug-1986
12 12 宇宙の暗殺者 Assassin of Outer Space 25-Oct-1986
13 13 フリーウェイの戦士 Soldier of the Freeway 25-Dec-1986
14 14 恐怖の神殿 Temple of Fear 30-Jan-1987
15 15 宇宙の連邦捜査官 Space Federal Agent 25-Feb-1987
16 16 海賊船バンシー号 The Pirate Ship 'Banshee' 25-Mar-1987
17 17 サイボーグを倒せ Destroy the Cyborgs! 25-Apr-1987
18 18 電脳破壊作戦 Cyber Destruction Operations 25-May-1987
19 19 深海の悪魔 Demon of Deep Sea 25-Jun-1987
20 20 サムライの剣 Sword of Samurai 25-Jul-1987
21 21 迷宮探検競技 Labyrinth Exploration Tournament 25-Aug-1987
22 22 ロボット コマンドゥ Robot Commando 25-Oct-1987
23 23 仮面の破壊者 The Masked Destroyer 25-Nov-1987
24 24 モンスター誕生 Birth of a Monster 30-Mar-1988
25 25 ナイトメア キャッスル Nightmare Castle 30-May-1988
26 26 甦る妖術使い The Ressurected Sorcerer 30-Jul-1988
27 27 スター ストライダー Star Strider 30-Sep-1988
28 28 恐怖の幻影 Phantom of Fear 30-Apr-1989
29 29 真夜中の盗賊 Midnight Thief 30-Apr-1989
30 30 悪霊の洞窟 Cave of Evil Spirit 30-Sep-1989
31 31 最後の戦士 Last Soldier 30-Oct-1989
32 32 奈落の帝王 Emperor of the Abyss 30-Mar-1990
33 33 天空要塞アーロック Sky fortress Aarok 30-May-1991


Sorcery! series were published by Tokyo Sogen Sha and Soudo Sha.

No. Title(Tokyo Sogen Sha) Title(Soudo Sha)
1 魔法使いの丘 シャムタンティの丘を越えて
2 城砦都市カーレ 魔の罠の都
3 七匹の大蛇 七匹の大蛇
4 王たちの冠 諸王の冠

Clash of the Princes[]

Clash of the Princes were published by Shakaishisou Sha.

Title Title(Japanese) Translation
Clash of the Princes 王子の対決 Duels of Princes
The Warrior's Way 戦士の書 Warrior's Book
The Warlock's Way 魔法使いの書 Book of Wizards

PuzzleQuest Book[]


Some Mini-FFs were published in Japanese Warlock magazine.


Original title Japanese title Translation First published
The Dervish Stone デルビッシュの洞窟 Dervish's Cave Warlock #2
Dungeon of Justice 運命のダンジョン The Dungeon of Destiny Warlock #3
The Dark Chronicles of Anakendis アナケンディスの暗黒の歴史書 The Dark Chronicles of Anakendis Warlock #4
The Temple of Testing 試練の寺院 The Temple of Trial Warlock #5
The Floating City 浮遊する都市 Floating City Warlock #6
Fortress Throngard スロンガード砦 Throngard Fort Warlock #7
Rogue Mage 魔術師の地下要塞 Magician's Underground Fortress Warlock #8
The Land of Changes 変幻の国 The Country of Transforming Warlock #9
Deadline to Destruction 破滅への秒読み Countdown to Ruin Warlock #10
The Temple of the Pharaoh ファラオの神殿 The Temple of the Pharaoh

Warlock #11

The Dark Usurper 邪悪な略奪者 Wicked spoliator Warlock #15


Original title Japanese title Translation First published
Market Mayhem メイヘム市場 Mayhem market Warlock #1
In Search of the Mungies' Gold マンギーの黄金を求めて For the gold of the mangie Warlock #7
The Ring of Seven Terrors 七つの恐怖の環 Ring of seven fears Warlock #18

Role-Playing Game[]

Fighting Fantasy[]

Original title Japanese title
Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-playing Game ファイティング・ファンタジー
The Riddling Reaver 謎かけ盗賊

Advanced Fighting Fantasy[]

Original title Japanese title
Dungeoneer アドバンスト・ファイティング・ファンタジー 上
アドバンスト・ファイティング・ファンタジー 下
Out of the Pit モンスター事典
Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World タイタン


See Also[]

External Links[]


  1. 25th Anniversary Edition of The Warlock of Firetop Mountain - 223
  2. 25th Anniversary Edition of The Warlock of Firetop Mountain - 223
  3. Via Yahoo! Babel Fish