The Fighting Fantazine Forum
Fighting Fantazine Proboards2
Commercial? No
URL Fighting Fantazine Forum
Type of site chat forum
Registration required? Yes (to post)
Owner Proboards
Created by Alexander Ballingall
Available language(s) English
Launched June 18 2013 (first post)
Current Status Active

The Fighting Fantazine Forum is a chat forum for discussing Fighting Fantasy created by Alexander Ballingall in 2013. It links in with the earlier established Fighting Fantazine.

Creation & Purpose[]

The forum was created primarily for promotion and discussion of the Fighting Fantazine with a section set aside for threads about the individual issues. Other sections cover all forms of Fighting Fantasy including the original books, apps and amateur adventures & artwork, as well as comparable gamebooks from other series.

The creation of the forum coincided with a troubled migration for The Unofficial Fighting Fantasy Forum, and when that folded some threads salvaged from the earlier forum were permitted a place on the new one. Some posters also moved across.

Prominent Members[]

(Frequent posters or established FF contributors)

See Also[]

External Links[]

