Fightingfantasy.com / The Scrolls of Titan
Commercial? No
URL Internet Archive record of the original Fightingfantasy.com
Registration required? Not required although does add privileges
Owner Mark J. Popp
Available language(s) English
Launched May 29 1999 (although The Scrolls of Titan launched before that date)
Current Status Closed (2005)

For other uses of Fightingfantasy.com, see Fightingfantasy.com (disambiguation)

Fightingfantasy.com was a Fighting Fantasy-orientated website run by Mark J. Popp and launched in 1999, replacing an earlier version known as The Scrolls of Titan.


The Scrolls of Titan[]

Detail to be added

Move to Fightingfantasy.com[]

On the 5th of June 1999, it was announced by Mark J. Popp for visitors who had navigated to The Scrolls of Titan that: "If you are reading this, you successfully made the jump to FightingFantasy.Com. Welcome!"

Thus, The Scrolls of Titan had been renamed to become Fightingfantasy.com.

See Also[]

External Links[]

