
The Flatlands was the name given to a wide, open steppe land that extends between Old Allansia and the eastern reaches of the Allansian Continent.[1]


The Flatlands stretched from the Moonstone Hills to the Sea of Pearls. It would take a traveller two months to travel across the Flatlands from west to east on horseback, or four months on foot. [2] The Flatlands lacked civilization, with Wolftown being the only large settlement in the region. [3]

Merchants from Western Allansia frequently took heavily guarded caravans on the dangerous journey through Trolltooth Pass into the Flatlands in search of valuable goods.[4] The merchants would usually trade with the inhabitants of Wolftown or with some of the friendlier nomad tribes. [3]

In the eastern region of the Flatlands lay Lake Nykosa, the largest lake in Allansia.[3]

It was home to many tribes of nomadic mounted Flatlands Barbarians. The Nomadic barbarians were dangerous enemies but while they continued to fight amongst themselves they would remain a harmless foe. Throughout history they had attempted to launch an assault on the numerous towers of the Trolltooth Pass, and each time Salamonis protected the west.

Orcs and goblins also roamed the Flatlands; the infamous Orc tribe the Curse of Vashanki, led by King Argar Kin-Slayer, was based in this area.[5] Lions and patches of Tangleweed were found here.[3] "Many circles of standing stones" appear in the area, built by some unknown ancient civilization; Volgera Darkstorm dwelt near such a structure.[3]

