
The Garden of the Gods is a metaphysical location removed from the physical world of men that live on the World of Orb and it is the official sit of the Gods of Orb.[1]


While the Gods reside in relative harmony in the Garden of the Gods, contests for power are not unknown among them, but in general they don't fight directly, but through agents, like men or other creatures, that occasionally are summoned from other worlds and dimensions, just like the Hero of Talisman of Death.

In the Garden there is a room with a floor that is the true, real time representation of the World of Orb, and the Gods can use it to keep an eye on the Orb and on their plots, as well as to transport one of their agents on the actual surface of the world.[2]


  1. Talisman of Death - pg.20-23
  2. Talisman of Death - pg.20-23