
Brother Tobyn of the Guardians attacked by a demon merchant.

The Guardians of the Crucible were a community of healers living on the Crucible Isles.


Newcomers were only acolytes, and learn the way to craft magic potions. However if they have the skill to achieve the status of a full-fledged Guardian, they would be allowed to tend the Great Crucible.[1]

The community was led by the Great High Guardian who governed from the Chapter Hall.[1] They seem to worship the goddess Throff.[2]

The Guardians of the Crucible are rarely disturbed by foreigners, even if they seem to have a relative notoriety, at least in Allansia. For instance, the inhabitants of this continent turned to the Guardians during the spread of the Demon Plague. However this notoriety does not always seem to be positive, because they are not very appreciated at Port Blacksand, an antipathy whose Lord Azzur probably seems to be the instigator.. [3]

Notable Guardians of the Crucible[]

  • The mystic Yamash Highcrag was a former member of the Guardians of the Crucible.[4]


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Gates of Death - pg.10-11
  2. The Gates of Death - 1
  3. The Gates of Death - 107, 291
  4. Heroes of Titan - pg.31 (stats and illustrated)