
Salamonis has long been a seat of learning and is arguably foremost in this respect on the continent of Allansia.


It is certainly considered one of the three great learned enclaves, along with Kaynlesh-Ma and Royal Lendle.[1]

The library of King Salamon LXII, not too far from West Road[2], is famed the world over and the ancient Palace of Learning is the home of the scholars, mages and wizards of the city.[3][4]

Within the Palace of Learning are the Halls of Learning, sometimes used as an interchangeable term for the palace. It was in the Halls of Learning that the great volume Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World was compiled over a twelve year period from the notes of many scholars into one single volume.[5]


  1. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - ??/11. Note that it is likely Chalannabrad would also be considered in this company were it an older city.
  2. The Gates of Death - 200, 171
  3. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - p.14
  4. The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Tin Man Games)
  5. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - p.??/11