Fan Written Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks
Location: Wastes of Chaos, Khul
References: 499
Publication Details
Author(s): Philip Sadler
Illustrator(s): N/A
Cover illustrator: N/A
First published: 2001
Previous Adventure: First in series
Next Adventure: Riders of the Storm

Hellfire was a fan written Fighting Fantasy adventure by Philip Sadler. It was first published online in 2001.


A roll of thunder rumbles over the distant mountains, lightning flashes all around you and heavy rain lashes down. The moon looks unusual tonight; a sickly white, the colour of bone. You stare at the horizon and somehow know that He is staring right back at you, but you're not afraid, not of him, for you know it is your destiny to slay him.[1]


The adventure in general follows the original rules set down in The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (see Game System).

Unique Rules[]

  • The player uses Healing Potions which restore 4 stamina at a time.
  • On occasion the player will be asked to Test your Stamina. This is a 4d6 roll, with the rolled amount equalling or being less than the player's current stamina score marking a successful roll.

Equipment List[]

  • Sword
  • Chainmail Armour
  • Backpack
  • 12 Healing Potions
  • Choice of one of three Potions (see Game System for generic fantasy setting choices)

A Shield is also listed in the "Background" section.

Main Characters[]

YOU: Hero of Hellfire



Further Notes[]


See Also[]

External Links[]

