Hero of Slaves of the Abyss
Homeland Allansia
Race/Species Human

Spoiler Warning!!!: Plot and/or ending details of a Fighting Fantasy publication follow. Please DO NOT read this article if you do not want foreknowledge of this publication. Although the article below is based on canon, some of its content is considered extrapolation because it assumes a certain course of events through an adventure that has many possible routes. Finally, the use of "Hero" and other male- gender expressions pertaining to the subject in the article and/or title of the article is not intended to exclude the possibility that the hero was female.

"Spoiler!" Beware!

The Hero of Slaves of the Abyss was a famous adventurer in the lands of Allansia, armed with a sword of Fangthane steel,[1] who arrived in Kallamehr just as the city was preparing for war with Bei-Han.[2]

Following a mysterious quest to discover the origin of an army approaching from the east, the hero became trapped on a different plane of existence after defeating the evil previous ruler of that plane.[3]

It is possible for the hero to have taken part in other books previously. However, the situation at the end of the book makes it impossible for the hero to go on to feature in any of the books in the main series afterwards.

See Also[]

