
A vial of holy water used to cast RES upon a corpse.

Holy Water is water that has been blessed by a high priest or priestess of one of the gods of Good Alignment.[1][2]


Holy water has power over Evil beings; the undead creatures the crypt stalker and the zombie will suffer one die of stamina damage if holy water is successfully thrown on them.[1] Holy water also has power against Demons. All Demons, even the most powerful ones such as Snake Demons, will also automatically suffer one die of stamina loss if holy water is thrown at them and hits them.[1][2][3]

It is for this reason that adventurers who specialise in fighting these creatures, such as the Demon-Stalker and the ghost hunter Josef Van Richten, carry vials of holy water with them on their quests.[3][4] King Mauristat of Mauristatia used silver bowls filled with holy water to temporarily trap Demons inside a Land-Blight.[5]

The Resurrection spell, res used by practitioners of the Sorcery style of Magic requires a vial of Holy Water to be cast.[6][7]


Vials of Holy Water can be purchased across Titan in nearly all large cities; twenty Gold Pieces is the usual price.[7]

Daddu-Yadu in eastern Kakhabad has sacred springs that supply Kakhabadians with Holy Water.[8] The Tinpang River in the north-eastern Old World is also a source of Holy water.[9]

Further Notes[]

  • An abandoned monastery (called the Monastery of Yloth) is located in north-eastern Gundobad. This contains a terraced garden with a pool of Holy Water.[10] The Monastery of Yloth was a centre of worship during the Kabeshian Empire, and vials of Yloth Holy Water are still to be found in modern-day Khul.[11]

