Homeland Allansia
Race/Species Dwarf
Gender Male

Kagand was an Allansian dwarf warrior. His first appearance in Fighting Fantasy canon was in Skullcrag novel.


He was a close friend of the elf Gilfane, and a special associate of the wizard Yaztromo.


During the Siege of the Elms, Gilfane saved his life for the first time.[1]

During the events related in Skullcrag, he helped, alongside Yaztromo and Gilfane, the Amarillian wizard Jallarial and her group to break the link between Zagor and the Demonic Planes. He developed a special friendship with his Amarillian counterpart Stubble, with whom he wondered of similarities between their respective worlds.[2]

His final fate remained unknown, since he was left in a precarious situation in Skullcrag, even if it was suggested he and Gilfane were sent back to their homeland by the effect of the Sphere of Return. [3]


  1. Skullcrag p.99
  2. Skullcrag p.106
  3. Skullcrag pp.191-193