
Lake Lumlé is a large body of water straddling the border between Kakhabad and Mauristatia.[1] The region around the Lake has attracted many seeking their fortune.[2]


Lake Lumlé lies in the southwest of Kakhabad, and the east of Mauristatia, in the latter nation's province of Crolia.[3] The lake is surrounded by hills and mountains, except in the east where it is bordered by the Baklands plains.[1] Three rivers - the Lumlé River, the Chalmoe River, and a third unnamed river - flow into the lake from the Cloudcap Mountains.[1] There are two unnamed islands in the lake.[1] The Jabaji River runs out of the Lake to the east. [1] There is a "Cloud Forest" south of the Lake, which has the ruins of the city of Limlai hidden in it.[4] According to one source, the Lake abuts the Khiranti Marshes to its east, and the Bagmati Hills and an unnamed "Cloud Forest" to the south. [5]


The lake's most notable species is the Mutton Fish.[2] Reeds grow on the Lake's shore.[2] Swarms of Wood Beetles, which can eat large holes in unattended wooden boats, inhabit the lake's shores and are loathed by the fishing community of the region. [6]


Most of the people living around the lake are Crolian Humans who work in farming or fishing, and speaking their own distinctive dialect, Crolian.[3] Representative types of Humans adventurers may encounter in the area include a Woodcutter, a Hermit, a Sage and a Witch.[2] The Shield Maidens of Lumlé are named after the Lake, which they patrol. Little is known of the Shield Maidens of Lumlé. A captain of a slave galley in Kharé has been heard to relate the tale of how his life was saved when Vik, the well known resident of Kharé, rescued him "from the clutches of the Shield Maidens of Lumlé".[7] Some Elvins and Black Elves live on the Mauristatian side of Lake Lumlé.

The evil sorcerer who created the Fish Men once lived near the Lake, and the ruins of his castle are somewhere in this region.[8]

Strange kinds of Apes live on the southwestern shore of the Lake.[2]


Numerous fishermen and fisherwomen, (mainly Kakhabadian and Crolian) come to the Lake to catch and sell fish. The Lake is a trading centre.[3][9] According to one apocryphal source, there are fishing villages called Chena Vala near where the Jabaji River flows out of Lake Lumlé, where the anglers from Kharé come to catch the Mutton Fish. [5]

According to one source, the catching of fish in Lumlé was later forbidden under pain of death by Khare's ruler, Garin Alderay.[10]

Other adventurers come to the Lake to sail across it to the forests to the southwest, to seek the fabled Mungies' Gold.[5][2]

Further Notes[]

  • Like some other names in the Sorcery! series, Lumlé is named after a place in Nepal, in this case the village of Lumle in the Annapurna region.
  • According to one source, the original name was Limlai, in Crolian dialect.[3]

See Also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 The Shamutanti Hills , "Map of Kakhabad". (pp. 22-23)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Warlock Issue 5 , The Apes of Mauristatia.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 "A History of Mauristatia" by Otto Öviszódi in The Warlock Returns Issue 2, (pg. 25-26).
  4. "A History of Mauristatia" by Otto Öviszódi in The Warlock Returns Issue 3, (pg. 22-27)
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Fighting Fantazine Issue 4 -"In Search of the Mungies' Gold :Background", para 146. See also p. 84 (Map: Lumlé and Surrounds). Non-canon
  6. Warlock Issue 5 - p.7
  7. Kharé - Cityport of Traps - 392
  8. Out of the Pit - p. 54
  9. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - pg. 20
  10. Kharé - Cityport of Traps (d20) - p.8