Lesser Living Statue
Goblin statue
skill 8
stamina 8
Habitat Anywhere their master is, Dungeons, Ruins
Number Encountered 1-3
Type Magical Creature
Reaction Hostile (when activated)
Intelligence Low

A Lesser Living Statue was a quite weak type of effigy typically designed to serve as guardians.


Living statues were typically crafted from materials such as stone, brass, bronze or sometimes crystal. Their appearance could vary greatly depending on the creator.

They would typically remain inanimate until an intruder or other interloper disturbed them or their charges, whereupon they would animate and attack.

Others such as the goblin statue owned by the dark sorcerer Grimslade would instead come to life at the command of their owner.

Orgins and Distribution[]

Many lesser living statues could be found hidden within certain parts of northern Allansia, where they had once been a popular choice of guardian for a noble's tomb.

They could also sometimes be found in pairs within Djarat.

Further Information in Canon[]

More information can be found at:Source[1]
Curse of the Mummy (para73, para144, para228, para251#, para336)

See Also[]





  1. Complete list of references catalogued by FF Titan Bestiary