
Mark Bromley is an artist and illustrator whose work has appeared in Out of the Pit.


Early Life[]

Born in England in 1960, currently lives in Surrey.


Worked for BAesystems, British Aerospace and Hawkers as senior graphic artist.

200 airbrush artworks mostly sci-fi and fantasy including white dwarf covers and 3 years as cover artist for acktuellar software markt. 300 oil paintings aviation naval and military. Most are in BAesystems heritage collection but also at the USN museum Pearl Harbour, RAF club, Polish airforce, royal Navy and many other private collections. currently all catalouge items being put onto Military times website.Modelmaker and restorer.


Interior Illustrator

Other Fighting Fantasy[]

See Also[]


  1. Bromley's work consists of one of the colour plates on the A4 edition of this book and thus it does not appear in the smaller reprint.