Homeland Mauristatia, The Old World
Known relations Vengistat (Father), Selperga (Mother), Seventeen Children
Race/Species Human
Gender Male

King Mauristat, according to some source, gave the name to Mauristatia.


He was the only son of late King Vengistat and Queen Selperga, that sold her soul to a demon to conceive an heir to the throne. He was a great king, the greatest in this part of Titan after King Harar, but a lustful man and, while he never married, had seventeen children from different women.

When his children grew up, he organised Mauristatia in a royal fief, that he governed directly, and seventeen principalities, one for each of his children. Each Principality was in turn sub-divided among a number of Barons, Counts and Marquises.

When he was old, a terrible Land-Blight appeared in the royal fief and he asked for the help of the seventeen Princes to fend off this horrible threat to the land, but they betrayed him and he was dragged to hell by a demon. Before disappearing underground, King Mauristat cursed his blood, the land, and its inhabitants.[1]

See Also[]





  1. "A History of Mauristatia" by Otto Öviszódi in The Warlock Returns Issue 3, (pg. 22-27).