Mountain Elf
skill 6-7
stamina 2-6
Habitat Forests, Hills, Mountains
Number Encountered 1-3
Type Humanoid
Reaction Neutral
Intelligence High

Mountain Elves were a species of short and slightly squat elves that dwelt in the elevated peaks of Titan.


They dwelt in small villages on the plateaus of the highest mountains, or their buildings would be high in the trees themselves. [1][2] They were mainly found in Allansia and Khul.[3] Mountain Elves were more rare than their woodland cousins.[4]


Mountain Elves typically dressed in brown cloth and furs.[2] They shared their woodland cousins' aptitude with archery and magic, and were also strongly devoted to the Goddess Erillia.[1] Mountain Elves have trained Giant Eagles to transport them across the mountain ranges.[5] Mountain Elves had scholars named Loremasters, who studied the history of Titan.[6]

For food, they hunted woodland prey such as deer and rabbits sparingly.

Origins and Distribution[]

In Allansia[]

In Allansia, Mountain Elves mainly dwell in the Icefinger Mountains.[3] According to one source, some Mountain Elves dwell in Fang, including Szordrin the Grand, High Sorcerer of the city's School of Magic.[7] In the past, the Mountain Elves of Northern Allansia fought a war against the evil wizards called the Dark Twins and their Orc troops.[1]

In Khul[]

In Khul, Mountain Elves are confined mainly to the Mithrir Forest in the northwest of the continent, Aetos Heights in Zamarra and the Ilkhan Ranges of Kazan. There may be some scattered groups in the Cloudhigh Mountains and Mountains of the Giants. They are highly adapted to living in the mountain environment. In Aetos in southern Zamarra, they have even developed a method of flying with the use of mechanical wings.[8]

In the Old World[]

The White Arrows clan of Mountain Elves were known to live within the region of the Orsov Mountains, in the province of Lupravia in Mauristatia.[9]

Further Notes[]

Also, in the Myriador conversion, the spellcaster Fenestra is described as a "mountain elf" rather than a "black elf". [11]

However, the second piece of information directly contradicts both The Seven Serpents gamebook and Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World, where Fenestra is explicitly described as a member of the Black Elf species.[12]

Further Information in Canon[]

More information can be found at:Source[13]
Out of the Pit (Large) (pg47#, pg127)
Allansia (pg141)
Caverns of the Snow Witch (para17#, para22, para70, para103, para136, para204, para208, para264, para274, para305, para325, para331, para351#, para382#, para395)
Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World'(Large) (pg53, pg54, pg55, pg58, pg117)
Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World'(Small) (pg108, pg111-113, pg119, pg273)
Warlock Issue 2 (pg28 (3), pg29 (16), pg30 (23#), pg31 (28, para33), pg33 (42#), pg37 (86*), pg40 (108, para112), pg44 (145), pg45 (158), pg46 (162, para167 , para174), pg48 (185#))


# - denotes a reference with statistics
* - denotes a picture







  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - pgs. 53-58
  2. 2.0 2.1 Out of the Pit - pg. 46-47
  3. 3.0 3.1 Caverns of the Snow Witch - para 274
  4. Fangs of Fury - para. 195
  5. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - pg. 117
  6. Encyclopedia Arcana Vol I - Treasures - p140
  7. Deathtrap Dungeon (d20), p. 34.
  8. Fangs of Fury - para. 195, 294
  9. The Warlock Returns Issue 7 , "Scarlet Blue", by Rémy Lucot. (p10-11,13-15)
  10. The Seven Serpents D20 Module, pg. 40
  11. The Seven Serpents D20 Module, pg. 19
  12. The Seven Serpents - para. 190, 234 265, 282 ; Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - p. 61
  13. Complete list of references catalogued by FF Titan Bestiary