skill 8
stamina 7
Type Humans-Cultures/Criminals

An Outlaw is an criminal active in rural areas. [1]


Origins and Distribution[]

Outlaws were active in the mountains near Kleinkastel in western Khul.[1]

Outlaws are common figures in the Old World. There were outlaws based in the Cragrock Peaks in the north-west of the Old World.[2] There was a band of outlaws lead by an Outlaw Leader, a woman who operated near the village of Fenford in north-western Ruddlestone. [3] The Outlaws of Lein were an infamous gang of outlaws who were based in the Forest of Lein in Ruddlestone.[4]

Further Information in Canon[]

More information can be found at:Source[5]



  • Agbar the Victorious was a former outlaw leader who took over a dungeon complex with his criminal gang.[6]
  • Some Outlaws in the Old World worship the goddess Lunara. [7]

# - denotes a reference with statistics
  * - denotes a picture

See Also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Portal of Evil - pgs. 16-17
  2. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - pg. 21
  3. Spellbreaker - para. 312
  4. Knights of Doom - para. 205
  5. Complete list of references catalogued by FF Titan Bestiary
  6. Advanced Fighting Fantasy – The Roleplaying Game - pg. 121
  7. "Lunara", by Olivier Monseur, (Translated by Julien Ribeyron). The Warlock Returns Issue 11, (p.7)