Other Fighting Fantasy Books
Périls dans les contrées de Titan (cover)
Location Titan
Publication details
Author(s) Various

Illustrator Various
First Edition
Cover illustrator Jidus
First published March 22 2022
Publisher Scriptarium
ISBN ISBN 978-2-490523-15-3

Périls dans les contrées de Titan (ISBN 978-2-490523-15-3) is an Advanced Fighting Fantasy adventures anthology published in French in 2022 by Scriptarium. It includes ten adventures: six translated from English and four original.


PÉRILS DANS LES CONTRÉES DE TITAN is the collection that directors waited to provide adventures to their players.

Allansia, Khul, and the Old World, the three continents of Titan, are explored in missions as varied tracking down brigands, uncovering plots, discovering a lost artifact... The monsters will be numerous and the encounters unusual.

10 adventures make up this collection, all by a different author, and illustrated by as many talented artists of different nationalities. It has been designed to be quick to master, and only the corebook is needed to play it. Tables of encounters and random events, pre-generated characters, a bestiary... everything is gathered to allow the Director to run a game with a minimum of preparation. A rating system allows you to gauge the length, difficulty and degree of immersion of each adventure at a glance. There are also new archetypes in this book, allowing players to play as a variety of original heroes, such as a fortune-teller or a lumberjack.

This book is the ideal tool for you to explore the Fighting Fantasy and Sorcery! world inside.



The introduction presents the purpose of the collection, namely to allow AFF sessions to be played more quickly, with less preparation time than for a campaign. A brief synopsis of each scenario is supported by a 3-point rating system for:

  • Difficulty: both for Director, and players.
  • Duration: including preparation time for the Director.
  • Background: the lore knowledge required for immersion.


Adventure Orig. title/
Lit. transl.
Author Translator Illustrator Original year Original support
Le Cercle des sept Effrois The Ring of Seven Terrors Graeme Davis Romain Bertoux Trevor Hammond 1985 Warlock 6
La Complainte des enfants perdus Plight of the Lost Children Jayson Green Adrien Maudet Eric Chaussin 2014 Fighting Fantazine 13
Le Donjon volant de Varrak Aslur The Flying Dungeon of Varrak Aslur Jonathan Hicks Fabienne Berganz Huargo 2018 Arions Games
L'Héritage de Benedos Legacy of Benedos Stuart Lloyd Stéphanie Querrière Malcolm Barter 2013 Fighting Fantazine Forum
La Malédiction du tigre The Curse of the Tiger Ludovic Pihen NA Alan Langford 2022 Périls dans les contrées de Titan
L'Œuf Géant de Sombrelune The Giant Egg of Darkmoon Pierre Maury NA Duncan Smith 2022 Périls dans les contrées de Titan
Piège sur pattes Deathtrap on Legs Paul Mason and Steve Williams Fabienne Berganz Simon Ecob 1985 Warlock 7
Les Pillards du Temple Profané Raiders of the Desecrated Temple Ian Brockelhurst Thomas Pereira Adrien-Angelo Bastien 2011 Arion Games
Quel merveilleux cadeau! What a wonderful gift! Rémy the storyteller Lucot NA Tony Hough 2022 Périls dans les contrées de Titan
Sur la piste du cristal On the trail of the crystal Cyril Le Strat NA Jidus 2022 Périls dans les contrées de Titan


Annexes include:

  • 48 archetypes
  • 8 pre-generated players-characters
  • 6 encounter tables (one for each following locations:Hills, Dungeons/Ruins, Forests, Mountains, Plains, Rivers/Lakes)
  • Summary of creatures encountered in the adventures
  • 6 tables of random events (one for each location type)


Four indexes for Divinities, Locations, Characters, and Races/Creatures.

See Also[]

