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The Pirate Coast[1] is the name given to a stretch of Allansia's western shores around the Bay of Elkor. It starts from just north of Kaynlesh-Ma on the coast of Arantis, runs past the cities of Halak and Rimon and then northwards along the southern Desert of Skulls. It is well-named, for Halak and Rimon are both havens for pirates and thieves and many pirate hideouts are located in the inlets of the Bay of Elkor.[2]

Many famed pirates have made their name on this deadly stretch of coastline, including Garius of Halak, Captain Bartella[3] and Varek Azzur. In his first ever quest, Jerik Kalazar took passage on The Dolphin from Kaynlesh-Ma only to be captured by pirates.[4]

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