Role-playing Modules
Location: Southeastern foothills of the Craggen Heights, Allansia
References: {{{references}}}
Publication details
Author(s): Jayson Green
Illustrator(s): Eric Chaussin, Steve Luxton
First published: April 30 2014
Publication: Fighting Fantazine (Issue 13)
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Plight of the Lost Children was a fan written Advanced Fighting Fantasy adventure by Jayson Green. It was first published online in issue 13 of Fighting Fantazine in 2014.


The players begin their adventure in Gillswater, where they learn of a woman who has been experiencing nightmares of her two dead children haunting her. The children speak of a tower where they play, as they wait for the angels to take them up to the heavens. On top of the tower lies a beacon, within which a silver flame constantly burns. Several soldiers posted there have mysteriously disappeared as the flame burns, and have never been since. The tower is now considered haunted by the townsfolk, and no one has dared to climb the tower to extinguish the flame. The players must journey to the tower, lean the secrets behind the eternal flame and release the twins from their undead state.[1]


The adventure in general follows the original rules set down in Advanced Fighting Fantasy – The Roleplaying Game.


The interior illustrations were by Eric Chaussin. There were 5 big illustrations, and 2 small (repeated) illustrations. Maps are done by Steve Luxton: a regional map depicting the southeastern foothills of the Craggen Heights, a map of Gillswater and 4 plans of the abandoned tower.

Main Characters[]

  • Eleanor - Human inhabitant of Gillswater
  • Gerard Thurkis - Nobleman of Dunlar
  • The Twins - Ghost children


  • Abandoned beacon tower
  • Dunlar
  • Gillswater
  • Southeastern foothills of the Craggen Heights


Further Notes[]

Périls dans les contrées de Titan (cover)
  • A French translation by Adrien Maudet was published in Périls dans les contrées de Titan (March 2022). This translation incorporates some slight changes from the version published Fighting Fantazine. In particular:
    • the sentences "as they wait for the angels to take them up to the heavens" in the synopsis are replaced by "as they wait to be freed from the material world",
    • Gillswater is presented as "a small town surrounded by a wooden fence" instead of "a large walled town",
    • Dunlar is described as a town instead of a city,
    • the geographical references in the introduction are clarified, in particular by removing references to Culanhorn and Tail of Warpstone
    • all the maps and plans are redrawn by Eric Chaussin,
    • the regional map shows the position of the abandoned tower in relation to Gillswater and Dunlar,
    • Gillswater map depicts a smaller town.

See Also[]

External Links[]


  1. Template:Ffmag13 - p.72