For other uses of Warlock, see Warlock

Practitioners of Magic includes the following sub-divisions.


Wizard's Apprentices[]



Sorcerers and Sorceresses[]











Magical Tattooists[]

Practitioners of Mask Magic[]

Use of the prefix Arch-[]

Use of the prefix Demi-[]

See Also[]




  1. "A History of Mauristatia" by Otto Öviszódi in The Warlock Returns Issue 3, (pg. 22-27).
  2. Slaves of the Abyss - para. 372
  3. 3.0 3.1 Stealer of Souls - "Background"
  4. The Dark Chronicles of Anakendis, Warlock Issue 6
  5. Knights of Doom - p. 22
  6. Night of the Necromancer - para 47
  7. The Tower of Hades.Warlock Issue 10 (p.18)
  8. Chasms of Malice - ??
  9. Shadowmaster - pg. 151
  10. Night Dragon para 45, 63
  11. Midnight Rogue - 90
  12. The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (AFF) - p38 (illustrated)
  13. Shadowmaster - p. 82
  14. 14.0 14.1 Crypt of the Sorcerer - para 48, 258
  15. Black Vein Prophecy - ???
  16. Bloodbones - para. 24
  17. 17.0 17.1 Fortress Throngard, Warlock Issue 9
  18. Demons of the Deep - para 135
  19. The Riddling Reaver - page 35
  20. Legend of the Shadow Warriors -??
  21. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - pp.61-4
  22. Masks of Mayhem - ???
  23. Darkthrone – p.150
  24. Masks of Mayhem - para 357
  25. The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (AFF) - p38 (illustrated)
  26. Trial of Champions - pg. 125
  27. Firestorm – pp.57-58
  28. The Taskmasters Tower, pg. 1
  29. Fangs of Fury - ???
  30. Slaves of the Abyss - para 157
  31. The Wishing Well, in Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-playing Game, pg. 78-80
  32. Return to Firetop Mountain - para 167
  33. Night Dragon - para 40
  34. Darkthrone – p.38, 195
  35. Legend of Zagor p. 8
  36. Daggers of Darkness -pg. 144
  37. Island of the Undead - para 14
  38. Master of Chaos - intro
  39. The Citadel of Chaos - pg.2
  40. The Floating Dungeon of Varrak Aslur,pg. 1
  41. The Riddling Reaver - pgs. 45-9
  42. The Warlock's Way - pg. 9
  43. Fangs of Fury - ???
  44. The Port of Peril - para 367
  45. The Shamutanti Hills - para 212
  46. Revenge of the Vampire - ???
  47. Stormslayer - p.10
  48. Creature of Havoc - 15-17
  49. Revenge of the Vampire - ???
  50. The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (AFF) - p38
  51. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World, pg. 98
  52. Spellbreaker - para 38
  53. Revenge of the Vampire - ???
  54. The Dreaming Sands, Warlock Issue 13 , p. 9
  55. Blacksand - p. 80
  56. Deathmoor - para 359
  57. 57.0 57.1 The Trolltooth Wars - pg. 7
  58. The Seven Serpents - ???
  59. Return to Firetop Mountain - para 50
  60. Fangs of Fury - ???
  61. The Trolltooth Wars - pg. 173
  62. The Citadel of Chaos - para 18, para 138, para 292
  63. Howl of the Werewolf - 190, 226
  64. Masks of Mayhem - 11
  65. Stormslayer - para 252
  66. Warlock Issue 11 .pg.21
  67. 67.0 67.1 Beyond the Pit - pgs. 30-1
  68. Howl of the Werewolf - 26, 41, 370, 385
  69. Atlantis Campaign - pg. 104
  70. Legend of the Shadow Warriors - 325
  71. Deathtrap Dungeon (d20), p. 34.
  72. Masks of Mayhem - para. 215
  73. The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Tin Man Games)
  74. City of Thieves (2010 Edition)- p.199
  75. Dungeoneer - pg. 39
  76. Blacksand - ???
  77. Forest of Doom (AFF), pg. 109
  78. Deathtrap Dungeon D20 Module, page 35
  79. Demonstealer - pg.2
  80. Return to Firetop Mountain - para 50
  81. Warlock Issue 12 , "The Battle of Grey Rock".
  82. Moonrunner - para 284
  83. The Keep of the Lich-Lord - para 352
  84. Talisman of Death - para 144
  85. Demonlord – pp.59-61
  86. Night of the Necromancer - para 250
  87. Master of Chaos - ???
  88. Crystal of Storms - 6, 11
  89. Stormslayer - para 397
  90. The Warlock Returns Issue 11, pg. 8
  91. Magehunter - para 29, 87
  92. Night of the Necromancer - pg. 19
  93. Tower of Destruction - para 163
  94. The Fighting Fantasy Tenth Anniversary Yearbook, pgs. 12-14
  95. The Trolltooth Wars , pg. 81-2
  96. Daggers of Darkness pg. 298
  97. Magehunter - para. 341, 48, 126, 227
  98. The Seven Serpents, Myriador, pp. 15, 34
  99. Magehunter - para 312
  100. Magehunter - para 44, 51, 339
  101. Caverns of the Snow Witch (d20), pg.13
  102. 102.0 102.1 102.2 Island of the Undead - para 91
  103. Blacksand!, (1990) pg. 323
  104. "A History of Mauristatia" by Otto Öviszódi in The Warlock Returns Issue 2, (pg. 25).
  105. Island of the Undead - para 172
  106. Sword of the Samurai - ???
  107. Slaves of the Abyss - para 315
  108. Fangs of Fury - pgs. 20-1
  109. Caverns of the Snow Witch - 125
  110. The Seven Serpents - para 205
  111. Talisman of Death - 64, 235
  112. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - pg. 90
  113. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - pg. 59/124
  114. Blacksand! - p.117-8
  115. Moonrunner - para 200
  116. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - pg. 27
  117. Demonstealer pg. 120
  118. Travels in Arion - pg. 32-33
  119. Blacksand - pgs. 24, 52
  120. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - pp.61-4
  121. Forest of Doom (AFF), pg. 100
  122. The Shamutanti Hills - p.21
  123. "Krell", Out of the Pit , pg. 71
  124. Atlantis Campaign III -A primal urge, by Graham Bottley. Arion Games, 2017.
  125. Blacksand! (1990) -pg. 117
  126. Spectral Stalkers - para 308
  127. Stealer of Souls - p.18-21
  128. Atlantis I - All Things Old by Graham Bottley. Arion Games, 2017, pg. 1.
  129. Beneath Nightmare Castle - para. 18