Rannik Fasthand
20200519 132152
Homeland Port Blacksand
Race/Species Human
Gender Male

Rannik is a Master Thief in Port Blacksand, known to have closely escaped execution for murder.[1]

Rannik Fasthand[]

Depicted as a rather dashing vagabond with a black moustache, Rannik features in Midnight Rogue and Blacksand!.

Rannik Fasthand is best known in Blacksand for throwing a large street celebration on his birthday every year in the Noose District.[1] The date of the 27th of Sowing saw his birth in 250ACand now sees food, drink and music all through the night. Many wonder at the apparent largesse of a thief otherwise known to be very miserly with money, but citizens from all over the city flock to the Noose District on this night to experience the fun. Of coure, this celebration in held mainly as a lure to bring in wealthy outsiders to have their purses cut and their pockets picked. Many of the victims are embarrassed at failing for this obvious lure and don't tell other people, meaning that there are always fresh victims Blacksand (AFF).

Midnight Rogue[]

In Midnight Rogue, the 29th Fighting Fantasy book of Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone, Rannik can be found in the meeting-room of the Thieves' Guild of Port Blacksand. As Master of the Guild Rannik stands in the middle of the room. That night is the testing time, the climax of the reader's training. 'Does any member here present know of any reason why this apprentice should not be tested, according to the traditions of the Guild?'

Rannik will turn to the reader and say: 'A week ago, a merchant named Brass acquired a gem known as the Eye of the Basilisk. He will doubtless have it hidden somewhere in or around the city. His symbol is a coin - that is all information you will be given. For you test, you must find and steal the Eye of the Basilisk. Dusk has just fallen outside, and you have until dawn to complete your test. Do you understand?'

The reader nods. 'Then,' says Rannik, 'it just remains for me to say be careful, remember your training - and good luck.' Midnight Rogue.






