
Sharrabbas is the mighty capital of Kazan where sits the Throne of Kazan.[1]


It is situated in the foothills of the icy Sharrab Mountains. To the south are small woods and forests, some of which containing black pools inhabited by elkiem.

The city is populated by many peoples, humans, dwarves, goblins and others and there are quarters of the city named in such ways as to indicate this, such as the Dwarf Quarter of the city. There is also a Thieves' Quarter nestled against the perimeters walls.

The city is also one which honours the labour of its inhabitants. Streets such as the Street of Stonemasons, Street of Swordsmiths and the great Street of Forty Guilds do homage to this. The forty guilds of the city are represented in the street of the same name. They can be identified by the signs that hang from their buildings, such as the "Cross Keys": for the locksmiths; "Frying Pan": for the cooks ; "Hammer and Anvil" for the blacksmiths; "Prancing Pony": for the saddlers.

The Town Square is where the executions take place. The road into Sharrabbas is busy indeed, dotted with many huts and trading posts.[2]




  1. Daggers of Darkness - pages 20-23
  2. Daggers of Darkness - 155, ???