
Shurrupak was a large fair city in the Inland Sea region of southern Khul, on the eastern shore of the Southern Sea.


Many of Shurrupak's poorer inhabitants lived in "warren-like slums."[1]

This city had a sympathetic view towards pirates and therefore the pirates do not attack it.[2]

Notable Inhabitants[]

  • The famous Vagabond and Adventurer Junisha Quick-Knife was born and raised in Shurrupak, before she left the city to find adventure elsewhere.[1]

Further Notes[]

  • Like a number of others names from the lands of the Inland Sea, Shurrupak is based on a name from ancient Mesopotamia - in this case the city Shuruppak.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Heroes of Titan - ??
  2. Seas of Blood - 4, 15, 28, 59, 62, 71, 72, 84, 94, 137, 180, 189, 208, 233, 234, 237, 238, 245, 253, 269, 279, 293, 301, 313, 349, 371, 382
  3. Seas of Blood - ???