
Silverton was a town in northwestern Allansia, some fifty miles (eighty kilometres) east-south-east of Port Blacksand, at a crossroads in the trading routes of the region.


The town had prospered as a result of the trade in herbs, spices, silks, metalware and foodstuffs which pass through it, and its wealth is apparent in the ornate buildings and well-dressed people which characterise the town.[1]

Places of Interest[]

A notable tavern (probably more an inn than a tavern) was The Old Toad.[1] The country inn The Hanging Party is located near Silverton. [2]

Notable Inhabitants[]

  • The mage Gelda Wane made her home in Silverton.[3]
  • The adventurer Baradas Rangor came from Silverton.


The Wild Hunt rode through Silverton on Moonsday the 21st of Locking, 29AC.[6]

On Stormsday 7th of Warming, 281AC, the Temple of Filash in Silverton burnt down.[7]

In late 282AC or early 283AC, the minions of the Night Prince, Zanbar Bone, demanded that the people of Silverton hand over Mirelle Carralif, daughter of their mayor, Owen Carralif.[8]


  1. 1.0 1.1 City of Thieves - pgs. 20-21
  2. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - pg. 125
  3. The Trolltooth Wars - pgs. 81-82
  4. Dungeoneer , pgs. 403-404
  5. Eye of the Dragon - p.212
  6. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 220
  7. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 116
  8. City of Thieves - Background; it is hinted in Deathtrap Dungeon that the events described in City of Thieves occur shortly before it (Deathtrap Dungeon - Background). Since Deathtrap Dungeon can be dated to the 1st of Winds, 283AC (Deathtrap Dungeon - 400; Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - 104/242; Trial of Champions - Background), it follows that City of Thieves occurred in late 282AC or early 283AC.