Cm spectres
skill 9 (Lesser), 10 (Greater)
stamina 9 (Lesser), 14 (Greater)
Habitat Caves, Dungeons, Ruins
Number Encountered 1-3 (Lesser), 1 (Greater)
Type Undead
Reaction Hostile
Intelligence High

Spectres were a type of incorporeal undead monster.


Spectres were insubstantial, undead renmants of persons who died with darkness in their hearts, either as the result of the life-draining touch of another spectre or due to a traumatizing or torturous demise. As a result, Spectres were overcome by an unreasonable hatred for the living and will attack any live creature on sight.

Spectres appeared mostly as they did in life, though in a hazy and ghostly form, their features contorted by the pain they had to endure upon death and their hatred for all living things. Usually (but not universally), they appeared wreathed in fluttering shrouds.

Special Abilities[]

Spectres possessed a life-draining touch which sucks part of an opponent's life force from their bodies and souls, though its effects are usually felt only after the heat of combat.

Spectres were also insubstantial and could glide through the air. They used these abilities to ambush victims by passing though a wall. As a result of having no physical body, Spectres could only be harmed by magic or magical weapons.

Tomb dust mixed with ethereal oil could make spectrebane, which increased the damage to spectres dealt by magic weapons.


One spectre that dwelt within the Hives of Peril believed itself to be capable of granting people the gifts of becoming incorporeal, though in actuality it could not.

Further Notes[]

Notable Spectres[]

Further Information in Canon[]

More information can be found at:Source[1]
Out of the Pit (Large) (pg18, pg84)
Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-playing Game (pg174-175)
Caverns of the Snow Witch (para154)
Masks of Mayhem (para85*, para100, para248, para346)
Chasms of Malice (para168*)
Stealer of Souls (paraCover*, para112#*, para189, para325)
Vault of the Vampire (para46, para98, para173, para208, para298#, para310, para354, para365)
The Keep of the Lich-Lord (para282)
Tower of Destruction (para52, para77, para97#, para127, para179, para374)
Island of the Undead (para213, para259, para312, para350)
Knights of Doom (para14*, para29#, para36, para43, para94, para163, para204, para345, para376)
Revenge of the Vampire (para241)
Bloodbones (para247, para269)
Howl of the Werewolf (para268, para274, para308, para360, para395)
Stormslayer (para125)
The Trolltooth Wars (pg220)
The Seven Serpents (para222)
The Crown of Kings (para200)






Video Games


  1. Complete list of references catalogued by FF Titan Bestiary