Fighting Fantasy Gamebook
Location: Khul, Titan
References: 400
Publication Details
Author(s): Mark Smith &
Jamie Thomson[1]

Illustrator(s): Alan Langford
Cover illustrator: Peter Andrew Jones
First published: April 24 1986
Number 20
ISBN: ISBN 0-14-032087-3
Previous Book: Demons of the Deep
Next Book: Trial of Champions
Wizard (Series 1)
Cover illustrator: Mel Grant
First published: June 1 2006
Number 25
ISBN: ISBN 1-84046-732-0
Previous Book: Talisman of Death
Next Book: Bloodbones
Wizard (Series 2)

For other uses of Sword of the Samurai, see Sword of the Samurai

Sword of the Samurai is a single-player role-playing gamebook written by Mark Smith and Jamie Thomson,[1] illustrated by Alan Langford and originally published in 1986 by Puffin Books. It was later republished by Wizard Books in 2006. It forms part of Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone's Fighting Fantasy series. It is the 20th in the series in the original Puffin series (ISBN 0-14-032087-3) and 25th in the Wizard "Series 1" (ISBN 1-84046-732-0). There are currently no announced plans to republish this book as part of the Scholastic series.



Can You save Hachiman from chaos?

Hachiman is in great danger. The Shogun's control is slipping. Bandits roam the land freely and barbarian invaders have begun to raid across the borders. All this because the Dai-Katana, the Shogun's great sword, has been stolen from the Shogun. YOU are the Shogun's champion, a young Samurai. Your mission is to recover this wondrous sword from Ikiru, the Master of Shadows, deep in the Pit of Demons.

Two dice, a pencil and an eraser are all you need. You have a choice of warrior skills which will affect the outcome of your mission. There are Honour points to be won and lost. YOU decide which route to follow, which dangers to risk and which monsters to fight.

Sword of the Samurai - Back Cover ("Dragon" Edition)

The reader of this book assumes the role of a young Samurai Kensei, whose mission it is to recover a legendary Dai-Katana, the Singing Death, for the Shogun. The sword must be wrested from the grasp of Ikiru, the Master of Shadows, who keeps it hidden within the Pit of Demons. Along the way the player must face many foes, such as the traitorous Lord Tiesten and ronin Yoro Ginsei.

Introduction/Special Rules[]

The book in general follows the original rules set down in The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (see Game System).

Unique Rules[]

  • This book featured an honour score that could have an effect on events in the book. Should the score reach 0 the player is instructed to turn to (99), where they are shown to commit sepukku.[2]
  • It was also the first book to feature a list of "Special Skills" from which the player may choose and which affect game-play considerably. While it was preceded by Appointment with F.E.A.R. with the choice of particular talents, these are replications of "normal" skills, not super-powers. They are: Kyujutsu (Archery), Iaijutsu (Fast draw), Karumijutsu (Heroic leaping), and Ni-to-kenjutsu (fighting with two swords).[3]

Equipment List[4][]


  1. These are only available if the player chooses the "Kyujutsu" skill.

Cover and Illustrations[]

Main article: Sword of the Samurai (illustrations)


The original cover of the book was designed and illustrated by Peter Andrew Jones.

When the book was republished by Wizard the cover was once again re-worked, this time by Mel Grant.

Sword of the Samurai Cover Variants
1986 1987 1989 1990 1993
Ff20puffin 20 06 Figfan20n Figfan20n
Dragon ver.I Dragon ver.II Dragon ver.III Dragon ver.IV
£1.951 £2.252 £2.503 £2.994 £X.xx

2006 2006
Ff25wizard 20 V2(W1) 01
£4.99 £4.99

  1. Price of 1st~2nd Impressions
  2. Price of 5th~6th Impressions; £2.50 for 7th Impression
  3. Price of 7th Impression. Since a 7th impression exists as the previous edition this is likely to be an 8th impression erroneously stated on the copyright page to be a 7th.
  4. Price of 8th Impression; £3.50 for 9th Impression


The interior illustrations were by Alan Langford. There were 30 full page illustrations and 6 minor repeated illustrations scattered throughout the text. The paragraphs with a full page illustration were: 8, 22, 30, 34, 66, 68, 75, 76, 78, 82, 95, 98, 110, 121, 126, 136, 138, 149, 155, 158, 185, 195, 201, 220, 250, 294, 378, 379, 385 and 397.

Intertextual References[]

Other Media[]

Main article: Sword of the Samurai (computer game)

The book was supposedly converted into a computer game (Sword of the Samurai) but appears to only be known from adverts.

Main Characters[]

YOU: The Shogun's Champion



Further Notes[]

  • This is the third book set in the continent of Khul, with Scorpion Swamp being the first.
  • It features a land similar to medieval Japan, and the book features numerous monsters from Japanese folklore. However, one of these - a type of Undead whose head detaches at night - is called Rokuro-Kubi in the book, but which is actually called Nukekubi in Japan.
  • The text copyright on the Wizard Books edition lists Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone (as opposed to Mark Smith and Jamie Thomson on the original Puffin edition), suggesting the rights were sold which was why this title was published by Wizard.


  • The Adventure Sheet does not have an Equipment box even though there are several items to pick up during the adventure.
  • The rules for Ni-to-Kenjutsu give the player Samurai the opportunity of dealing a 'second attack' but does not explain exactly how this works - as combat is simultaneous, simply rolling an Attack Strength comparison a second time would not provide any advantage. Most likely the Samurai cannot be harmed when performing their second attack if their Attack Strength ends up being lower (much like the rules for multiple opponents simultaneously) but this isn't made clear.
  • (3) causes you to lose your katana. However, unlike (88) where you lose your wakizashi, it does not state that this prevents you from using the Ni-to-Kenjutsu skill even though logically you need both your swords to use this skill.
  • If moving across the pier at (73), there is no further mention of what happens to the armour you left behind at (167), unlike the alternate paths that take you to (97) and (105).
  • You can get to (13) after losing your armour, but unlike the similar paragraph at (97), you are not told that your attackers inflict additional damage due to you being unarmoured.
  • After losing your armour at (167), unless you leave the ford entirely at (105), you are not told the rules/penalties for having lost your armour, despite explicitly losing it at (97) and never being told that you recover it if going via (73). (97) does mention an additional stamina penalty while fighting the Kappa but it is not made clear that this malus persists beyond just this one combat.
  • (22) and all other paragraphs after choosing Eleanor, serpent or phoenix  it is impossible to have access to the Ki-Rin, as the eastern route only allows for the gain of 1 HONOUR, and this is not good enough to hire the Ki-Rin
  • (32) uses the normal text font rather than the usual unqiue font when referring to the skill characteristic (ie, written as "skill" instead of "skill").
  • (105) neglects to tell you that the penalty for losing your armour only persists until you can find a replacment set. By contrast, losing your armour at (313) does include this instruction.
  • You lose your armour at (167), and later at (97) are told to suffer 3 points of damage because of this. (313), on the other hand, states a generic rule of having to lose 4 stamina points when you don't wear an armour.
  • (193) ignores the possibility that you have already lost your armour at (313), and doesn't offer an option for this eventuality.
  • At (282) and (344) you are forced to fight unarmed. It stand to reason that you cannot use Ni-to-Kenjutsu or Iaijutsu if you lose both of your swords, but the rules and text make no mention of this.
  • (322) states 1 skill point is gained because of the Samurai armour, while at (366) it's 1 luck point instead.



See Also[]


External Links[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Interestingly, the Wizard Books edition reverses the author credit.
  2. Sword of the Samurai - pg.15
  3. Sword of the Samurai - pg.14-15
  4. Sword of the Samurai - pg.12, 14-15