
Tak was a city in Khul.


It was commonly described as the greatest den of thieves, criminals and cut-throats the world has ever seen.[1]

Perhaps Kharé and Port Blacksand would have begged to differ.[2] However, it was larger than Port Blacksand, and busier than Kharé, and may have had just cause for its claim. Many of the greatest pirates of the Inland Sea had called Tak their home, and there was probably no better place to learn such a trade.

So great was the crime rate that it is known that even the silver pieces in the city of Tak were pierced in the centre for hanging on a cord around the owner's neck as protection against thieves.

The symbol of Tak was a trading galley (which is shown as a matter of interest on the aforementioned silver piece, and indeed the Gold Piece of Tak which is worth twelve of the former).[3] The political situation in the Inland Sea is a most fluid one, suffice it to say that Tak is invariably enemies with Lagash, Marad and Kish.

Tak's harbour sat inside a "towering granite bay".[4]

The River Tak flowed through the city. When the spring month of Land's Awakening came, the people of Tak celebrated the holiday, the Feast of the Waters.[5]


During the reign of Khan Gyorgir, Tak formed part of the Khanate of Kabesh.[6]

In Ashkar the Magnificent[]





